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RIP Zenimax CEO Robert Altman


Oct 31, 2016
Say what you will about Zenimax but based on what I've read over the years, he was a pretty chill guy and awesome to work for. Never heard anything bad to say about him. Pretty sure he's the third or fourth Zenimax executive to die this year (along with Donald Trump's brother Robert).
i double checked, bob altman and Evil Cheeto Man's brother are the only zenimax board execs that have died in the last year, although most of the remaining members (assuming they're still part of the board after the buyout) are in their 70s so uh... :smug:

you've never heard anyone talk shit about altman because he was the textbook definition of a suit, and suits love fucking people over from the shadows where people can't see them. he was a greedy, nepotistic, bureaucratic sleazebag who used his friends and "credentials" to legally fuck over god knows how many people in exchange for way too much fucking money. he personified so much of what's wrong with washington that i'm kinda amazed he didn't get more involved with the political machine there. if there's a framed photo of him participating in a loli torture ceremony on little saint james i wouldn't be surprised. honestly i was expecting him to live to 98 or something out of sheer malice. his impact on bethesda and the games industry as a whole is almost cute compared to the other damage he's done. i am curious to see who succeeds him as ceo under microsoft, i figured he was grooming his kid james to run the place but we'll fucking see

normally i wouldn't want to urinate on a newly dug grave, but altman and his cronies were a waste of fucking oxygen and i don't see any point in sugarcoating it - i'm glad his shiteating grin is finally gone. if you were too ignorant to wise up to his antics, shame on you, if you want to tell me that i'm an edgelord for mocking a man's death, stop for a second to consider that this person did not care about you and wanted nothing more than to screw you over so he could afford more wayfair cabinets and another vacation to tahiti. maybe i'm going to hell with hunter s thompson, that'd be kinda rad :cool:
So how long do we think it'll take for Linda to remarry
i give her 11 minutes


Oct 31, 2016

hate to keep quoting you but i just noticed this guy's post is a massive fucking red flag, every single time someone says "my company feels like a family :3" i get the feeling they're trapped in an abusive cult.
Here's the rub, though: the main problem is our CEO - a huge jackass who have never touched a videogame and is the worst sort of cash grabby EA type of person you could imagine. He has threatened physical violence on management and devs to get loot boxes etc into games.
i've never heard of altman physically abusing staff until now, but either way i get the feeling there's even more stinky shit going on at zenimax than i initially thought, which i'm not surprised by tbh


Oct 31, 2016
Personally, I am just curious what he died from.
His wife's acting in the new Wonder Woman movie. Ay ooo!

Do we know if he had made any donations to the Democrats recently? He may have done a Clinton back flip.

nothing since 2016/2017 (unless they funneled some more money through a shell organization or something, which i doubt)


Nov 8, 2012
Man, most of those old guys are money men that are placed in there after some hedge fund or bank or investment group buy a company from the original creator, they see the company they control as just a money machine, bet he never played a game on his life. I dont respect people that only do shit for the money. Wake me up when someone that truly cared about videogames dies.


Aug 9, 2020
Man, most of those old guys are money men that are placed in there after some hedge fund or bank or investment group buy a company from the original creator, they see the company they control as just a money machine, bet he never played a game on his life. I dont respect people that only do shit for the money. Wake me up when someone that truly cared about videogames dies.
Agreed and frankly all this talk from Bethesda about him being a visionary is a joke. The man was a plagiarist that took Chris Weaver's credit he had so little to do with the things Zenimax ended up being associated with.
Altmans contribution is more associated with Zenimax's ironfisted legal department and its slow cook approach to legal disputes that ultimately rule in Zenimax's favour despite having had no effort at all in the product - the Carmack case is a glowing example as well as the dispute with the original Prey 2 developers. His track record completely betrays the games press's depiction of him post-mortem. He wasn't a visionary he was a thug.


Nov 22, 2015
Where you won't find me
Man, most of those old guys are money men that are placed in there after some hedge fund or bank or investment group buy a company from the original creator, they see the company they control as just a money machine, bet he never played a game on his life. I dont respect people that only do shit for the money. Wake me up when someone that truly cared about videogames dies.
Did you wake up when Satoru Iwata died?

cause of death
bet his heart stopped and he stopped breathing
We call that "mechanism of death" rather than cause in the medical terminology.


Jul 28, 2018
>Wannabe corporate overlord

Is this the part where I feign grief as some anonymous internet troglodyte over the death of a man I've never met, and who, in all probability, wasn't a good person?
Stop being cuckolds you fucking cuckolds.


Dead game
Glory to Ukraine
Apr 15, 2020
He is in a better place now:


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