Applegate's Breasts
RPGs released in 2008 -
Game of the Year: Wrath of the Lich King
Best Visuals: Fable 2
Best Sound: Wrath of the Lich King
Honorable Mention: Dead Space, Call of Duty 5
For RPGs of all time, the sections are as follows:
RPGs of all time -
Best RPG ever: Halo
Runner Up: Halo 2
Third Place: Halo 3
Honorable Mention: Counter-Strike, Call of Dutys, Super Mario Brothers.
Now that lulz have been gotten out of the way,
RPGs released in 2008 -
Game of the Year: SoZ (pending...), Chrono Trigger DS for now
Best Visuals: Fallout 3 (sigh), SoZ (pending...)
Best Sound: Fallout 3 (sigh), SoZ (pending...)
Honorable Mention: King's Bounty's an RPG? If so then it goes here and GOTY. Um TWitcher: EE? (Slow year for RPG's eh?)
For RPGs of all time, the sections are as follows:
RPGs of all time -
Best RPG ever: Arcanum
Runner Up: Fallout
Third Place: PS: T
Honorable Mention: System Shock 2, Darklands, Ultima 7, Star Trail
Game of the Year: Wrath of the Lich King
Best Visuals: Fable 2
Best Sound: Wrath of the Lich King
Honorable Mention: Dead Space, Call of Duty 5
For RPGs of all time, the sections are as follows:
RPGs of all time -
Best RPG ever: Halo
Runner Up: Halo 2
Third Place: Halo 3
Honorable Mention: Counter-Strike, Call of Dutys, Super Mario Brothers.
Now that lulz have been gotten out of the way,
RPGs released in 2008 -
Game of the Year: SoZ (pending...), Chrono Trigger DS for now
Best Visuals: Fallout 3 (sigh), SoZ (pending...)
Best Sound: Fallout 3 (sigh), SoZ (pending...)
Honorable Mention: King's Bounty's an RPG? If so then it goes here and GOTY. Um TWitcher: EE? (Slow year for RPG's eh?)
For RPGs of all time, the sections are as follows:
RPGs of all time -
Best RPG ever: Arcanum
Runner Up: Fallout
Third Place: PS: T
Honorable Mention: System Shock 2, Darklands, Ultima 7, Star Trail