Something similar happened with a global request to Obsidian artists to make a logo for the studio – which was done, all were rejected, despite the fact Feargus said he would choose a winner and reward them (cash prize, which arguably all the artists would have been happy to have). While you can argue that was upper management’s right to reject them all if they weren't happy with one, they didn’t exactly say they hadn’t chosen one, and because they also had promised a cash prize for the winner, this caused a lot of questions… because it was never delivered on and never paid to anyone. While this is their right, I think they could have altered the rules of the request to account for them being dissatisfied with all the results and making a contingency plan for that that still thanked people for their work, or asked for new options - or something.) I will say that because Feargus, Darren, and Parker didn't choose any of them, they were indirectly insulting the art skills of our artists by doing so, which made a bad situation even worse.
Let me see if I've got this straight: A call went out to all Obsidian artists to submit entries for a new logo, cash prize to the winner, and apparently none made the cut.
If the company's artists are so bad that none of them, not a single one, are skilled or creative enough to create a logo that passes muster, that is a problem.
If the owners are such self-involved, selfish twats that they announce a contest just because the idea popped into their heads and then refuse to choose an entry and pay out, wasting people's time and energy, that's a problem.
We must therefore choose to believe either that all of the artists are terrible, or that Obsidian has a bunch of stupid, selfish cunts for leadership. It's either one or the other, can't be both or neither.