At beginning game starts promising. Act I isnt half as bad with Bîaŵac event. First village greets you with a
chrismas hangmans tree. Hanged animancer making fun of you is a nice touch. Temple of Eothas dungeon right belllow is a great starting dungeon a small sample what this engine can offer. Raedrics Hold at the end of act I is best location ingame.
My suspicion is after implementing and game testing Raedrics Hold obsidian realised they are way behind of schedule. There are 150 more maps to do. Using the same multi approach method (fight/sneak/diplo) Raedrics Hold has would delay game realease by months/years. One solution would be to cut alot maps but make rest memorable or fill the rest with "Pillars of Trashmobs" They went with the second option and this is why PoT is so bland after act I.
As for writting quality i suggest Obsidian to not pay writters by amount of words but by quality of writting it will also make reading and translation easier. By the end of game i couldnt remember which god is which. When i phoned them they were angry i didnt recognise them and sent more trashmobs after me.