But what does the IGN forum think about Codex's review? Is NeoGAF upset?
I bet gamespot got totally triggered by it. And femfreq got triggered by the lack of trigger warnings.
But what does the IGN forum think about Codex's review? Is NeoGAF upset?
I do agree about Roxor's style doing more harm than good to the legitimacy of his own reviews though. .
Note: I was talking purely about stylistic choices and their impact on the reader.I do agree about Roxor's style doing more harm than good to the legitimacy of his own reviews though. .
When did we start to care about supposed legitimacy of reviews ?
Sure, though it's a different kind of edgelording, with a faux "Let's be open about this" approach, then throttling Beth PR team with their own words. Roxor's appears more close-minded at the onset, that's the difference. One is "Okay, here's the claim, does it hold up, NO? YOU LYING SHITS! I'LL TEAR YOUR CLAIMS TO SHREDS", the other is "Okay, so this here doesn't actually work and I'll explain in detail how and be edgy about it".And I was replying to that. It's not like I'm disputing the hate against Oblivion, but as far as edgelording in review goes, some of VD's own went much further than Roxor. If you care about stylistic choices, the dex had much worse stuff than that.
Sure he does. In fact, I don't see any reason for anyone at Obsidian to stop posting. It's not the same situation as Bethesda, when the forum more or less tarred and feathered all of them, called them liars (well, you know, different terms), and some dedicated local degenerate started e-stalking them.I just hope Anthony Davis has enough balls to keep posting here. I like that guy.
Or is even allowed to, if you want to go into full conspiratorial mode. Though again that's not the feeling I have when it comes to Obsidian. He might have gotten enough after having discussed engagement with Sensuki though, haven't seen him around after that.I just hope Anthony Davis has enough balls to keep posting here. I like that guy.
Nobody could hate the devs who made Alpha Protocol.
I see what you did there.Nobody could hate the devs who made Alpha Protocol.
Nobody could hate the devs who made Alpha Protocol.
I do. I never played Alpha Protocol though. Only heard of it a couple of days ago.
Reactivity, the amount of it is insane and really noticeable. Also characterization, all of the characters were interesting, either people id like to hang out with or put a bullet between their eyebrows, or both. Game had a lot of what i look for in an RPG and failed at stuff i didnt really care about, so i can understand why some people would not like it. While not obsidians best game, its definitely the most fun ive had from them.Is there a TLDR as to why ? I already found review but I am busy reading 3 things at once right now.
Cherrypicking a bit. There were a lot of responses along those lines but probably just as many posts saying they agree with a lot of the points made or that they have similar criticisms, not too dissimilar to the reaction here (not picking them out, Christ, the SA Games forum is interminably shitty and full of people who do not like games at all), which has hardly been uncontentious. There are always going to be people butthurt that someone said mean things about a thing they like, no matter how good the review - I don't think it reflects on Roxor at all, really.Here's SA's reaction:
These reactions do seem to vindicate Infinitron's concerns.
I fixed a typo here and now I think it's something that we can all agree on.The RPGCodexreviewwas terrible and you should feel terrible if you're trying to glean anything from it but pity or humor.
What? You have access to the staff forums?It's like that time when that Ulminati guy in the staff forums
Sure he does. In fact, I don't see any reason for anyone at Obsidian to stop posting. It's not the same situation as Bethesda, when the forum more or less tarred and feathered all of them, called them liars (well, you know, different terms), and some dedicated local degenerate started e-stalking them.I just hope Anthony Davis has enough balls to keep posting here. I like that guy.
Obsidian people are liked on Codex, and even the negative review isn't there to hate on Obsidian, it's more of a "What the fuck, man, how'd THIS happen?". If they get butthurt over it, sure, it's their right, but that'd be a pretty weird thing to do. Especially after 2 years of Codex meme-dropping and shit-spilling on the project lead's design decisions.