a cut of domestic sheep prime
looks like they had a more feature complete game 4 years ago
Based on? They didn't even have targeting reticles, let alone the ability to have the engine handle a real solar system. Pathetic troll.
looks like they had a more feature complete game 4 years ago
They didn't even have targeting reticles
Woah, some people would believe anything.
So was that all fake then? From the look of it, I have my doubts as to whether AI was functioning fully in the demo (the NPCs in the ship for example behaved too human & I think they were controlled live by other devs like the ones at the end were openly), but beyond that, the tech looks sound.
Sorry, just explain to me how you bozos think this scam is supposed to work? Periodic interviews with gameplay demos, playable betas, hiring voice actors, motion capture studios, hiring modelers and other game devs full-time - how is all this supposed to work as a scam when they are spending all the money and creating an actual product?
Either these people need to start taking lessons from Cleve on how to run a proper scam or it's not a scam and is an actual game in development, albeit with risk given the scope & time it's taking.
Moon. And they aren't empty, unlike the dead worlds in Elite: Dangerous, where the only interesting thing to look at is the skybox.A big empty planet.
Not to mention they are planning to add actual quests, missions, NPC quest givers to these planets:
Just because someone failed at it, doesn't mean it's not possible.lol if you think they are going to add a bunch of hand crafted content to hundreds or thousands of planets in a galaxy, you're out of your mind. It will all be copy pasted crap across all planets. That's the only way for something like that to be feasible.Moon. And they aren't empty, unlike the dead worlds in Elite: Dangerous, where the only interesting thing to look at is the skybox.A big empty planet.
Not to mention they are planning to add actual quests, missions, NPC quest givers to these planets:
A game called No Man's Sky just did this recently and failed hard. How is it difficult to see this is nothing but a Molyneux lie about content and features?
content to hundreds or thousands of planets
I have the same concerns everyone else does and I acknowledge that feature creep could be an issue, as could management, but I am not so definite as you are on the outcome. So far, the development time seems pretty normal given the scope of the game.If if it ever get released it will be a unfinished mess of broken promises.
I think he is assuming that each system will have a number of planetoids greater than 1. If each had 10 or 20 planetoids (including moons), it could be thousands, but seriously doubt they are going to add a base on every moon. It would look kind of silly tbh.Where the fuck did you come up with that number?
They promised 100 star systems
What are you laughing at? You're the one who linked me to that video where he says it.They didn't even have targeting reticles
I feel sorry for Derek Smart. Everybody quotes him for his deep insight he displays regarding Star Citizen but nobody gives a fuck when he tweets about his game. So sad.
I feel sorry for Derek Smart. Everybody quotes him for his deep insight he displays regarding Star Citizen but nobody gives a fuck when he tweets about his game. So sad.
This would be part of the reason why 3.0 isn't out.
Cleveland Mark BlakemoreThey should hire Cleve.
On the other hand, it lends to the argument that they aren't going to be able to do this in hundreds of systems.I liked the sound of how they're putting together these points of interest. The way they describe it is that an artist scans around the planet until he finds a particularly nice vista/location. Then there are a handful of building blocks they can use to put together a scene. I'm sure this will suffer from copy-paste syndrome to some degree, but it's promising that it isn't randumb algorithm-based placement like E:D or NMS. They also mention that there will be unique crash sites for at least one of the larger ships. I just hope there's some incentive to explore on the surface of the planet rather than just jetting around in a ship.
The game is talked about a briefly in the video above and in others. Earlier in the year they said "probably" this year, but you know how release date estimates are, especially with Star Citizen.When have they last talked about SQ42 and it's release date?
Yeah, I don't believe the "hundreds of systems" plan. My optimistic guess is that they'll eventually put out a semi-stable "Beta"/Early Access release once they get the core features in, with maybe 10 - 20 systems. And that will be the real consumer release, but they won't call it that since it's still lacking promised content and features.On the other hand, it lends to the argument that they aren't going to be able to do this in hundreds of systems.
Citizencon last year maybe? It was supposed to be 2017, which is obviously not going to happen. There should be an update at Gamescon in August.When have they last talked about SQ42 and it's release date?
That's a fair bet, yeah. I also imagine a lot of systems will be filler, with virtually nothing in them. As I said before, a lot of space games do this.Yeah, I don't believe the "hundreds of systems" plan. My optimistic guess is that they'll eventually put out a semi-stable "Beta"/Early Access release once they get the core features in, with maybe 10 - 20 systems. And that will be the real consumer release, but they won't call it that since it's still lacking promised content and features.
Yeah, turning the game into a pay-to-play with free-to-play elements could be the of the worst of all worlds.If they ever start releasing these SQ42 episodes that will be an additional source of income, and the assets can be shared between the projects. Erin Roberts also mentioned selling in-game currency via in-app purchase, which... is not an idea I like, but it would probably work.