October 30th 2023 at 7:47 pm
Hi everyone,
we're preparing for the
first expedition to Pyro tomorrow!
We plan to run an 8-hour test each day, rotating between time zones to accommodate our global audience. As a reminder, we'll open the Preview Channel to our most active testers, Concierge, and those who have acquired a
Digital Goodies Pack.
Who will have initial access to the Preview Channel for Pyro testing?
► We'll pull from from Digital Goodies Pack owners, Concierge, and our most active testers, followed by our usual wave process. We'd like to include as many as possible, but the capacity and access will be determined as we go.
Does this mean that all Concierge will get access on Oct 31st, or just those randomly selected?
► We'd like to grant access to as many as possible, and if we're able to do so for all of Concierge, we will. We also may revoke access if that becomes necessary to limit traffic.