Burning Bridges
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As to SC, this looked interesting half a year ago when they promised that the release of 3.0 was imminent. But as we we now know they lied, I assume they have 4 different teams working all over the world on different versions and no one knows whats going on any more. In that case I would be surprised if anything that resembles a game ever comes out, and the future of it is basically just Godus on a much, much larger scale.
Another interpretation would be that they have a plan B, which is to release basically GTAV in spave with minigames like driving a planetary buggy, talking to people in the bar or fps mode. People would get upset, but they would have saved face. Another bonus would be that they can release it on consoles
Another interpretation would be that they have a plan B, which is to release basically GTAV in spave with minigames like driving a planetary buggy, talking to people in the bar or fps mode. People would get upset, but they would have saved face. Another bonus would be that they can release it on consoles