so i'haven't yet pledged at all, but then i've never been that huge on space sims. Would 300i be a good starting point?
Does anybody have an idea how much will this game cost at launch?
Source?You only have to grind for 8000 hours to get them otherwise so it's all fine and once the game goes Live they totally won't do this anymore and won't expand it to other stuff.
Buying "virtual ships" that don't yet exist for a game that doesn't even exist yet is totally fine normal behaviour.
It's not P2W, just ignore the existence of a cash shop, the Macrotransactions, ignore that you can buy ingame currency with real money, ignore the fact that they are selling ingame ships for hundreds to thousands of dollars etc. long before there even is a game, it'll be fine I swear!
You only have to grind for 8000 hours to get them otherwise so it's all fine and once the game goes Live they totally won't do this anymore and won't expand it to other stuff.
Everybody that disagrees is either butthurt, shitposting or hasn't tasted Roberts cum yet.
"But it's a SPACE game by that guy who worked on Wing Commander and also made that shitty Wing Commander movie, so that justifies EVERYTHING!"
It's also being developed by the guys who made all these amazing games with the last game being Doritos Crash Course 2, so whatever could go wrong?
"Jealous" of what you tard, at the rate this is going I won't even play the game and if I'd have pledged anything for this scam I'd bite myself in the arse.Getting upset and declaring that the game (really just the persistent universe; there's also single-player and user-hosted, moddable multiplayer) is the worst pay-to-win debacle in existence because a tiny fraction of players got a significant head start on ship hulls for the first months is absolute butthurt jealousy, pure and simple, not to mention wildly presumptive as Dexter's fallacy- and speculation-laden fiddle faddle should prove to anyone with half a brain. It's a piss-poor attitude, and even hiver can see that. Your piss-poor jealous attitude completely ignores the benefit of the additional funds raised. Now, in principle, I agree it would be best that everyone begin with the same ship, equipment and so on, but unfortunately humans are selfish creatures and the vast majority will only pay the minimum unless they get something in return.
blablabla Blaine, we're still talking about a significantly worse models than "tolerable" games like League of Legends of Path of Exile that either have time = equality or always equality.
Top this off with a Real Cash = Ingame Cash economy and you have serious trouble brewing on the horizon.
Don't use the hilariously bad argumentum ad reductio of "butthurt jealousy" against well-founded concerns about the effects of what we have seen of Roberts' philosophy in this point. ... While I don't agree with Dexter because he is frankly guessing completely blindly since we don't know much about the game's financial model once the game launches, your response comes off just as ignorant and postulating just as much in the blind.
The fact of the matter is that the integrity of a game world is cracked when it is not time or mechancis mastery but funds that contribute to the world's structure.
Besides, Dexter isn't hitting on the no. 1 reason to be sceptical, which is that Roberts is promising something no other developer has ever done at any point in time; deliver a sprawling open world single-player experience alongside a well-balanced, solid and player-driven MMO. Both of top-notch quality.
Indeed. While part of me is thinking the MMO will just devolve into EVE online the other part realizes I don't have to partake in it at all and it'll still provide a good single player experience.
But that's the point. These are not well-founded arguments, but speculations stated as facts in an arrogant way. Blaine explained that as we know now, these real-money stuff only give a short term adventage to players, and in the long term player skill and ingame money will probably balance out this adventage.Don't use the hilariously bad argumentum ad reductio of "butthurt jealousy" against well-founded concerns about the effects of what we have seen of Roberts' philosophy in this point.