And you're doing that thing where you're not addressing what I've actually said, instead shifting the goalposts and falling back on "Well, you can't know yet"—which hasn't stopped you from leaping to PAY 2 WIN! conclusions, I note. I also know much more than you do about the game as it's planned, since I've read and watched a great deal more material than you have and had far more interaction (through the chatroll/forums) with the developers.
Address what I've actually said directly or I'll be disregarding your posts from this point forward, as there's no sense bashing up against an immovable rant.
There is no way to “address what you are saying” since you are being delirious, even in that short bit of text you are making half a dozen of assumptions because the game you are talking about
doesn’t exist yet and is in the early concept stages:
Statements like:
- “Worth approx.. 600.000 credits”
- "1 hour played = 10.000 credits earned"
- "Twice as much experience flying ships will trump better ships"
have no meaning and can’t be discussed to any extent before there is some actual gameplay to compare.
Similarly with the “bigger ships will have no advantage over smaller ships” which might as well be saying “6 players manning a bigger ship with shitloads of weapons have no advantage over a smaller ship”. There isn’t anything to discuss at this point, it just sounds very damn unlikely.
For instance take the “Star Trek Online” game, at one point in time it was being developed by Perpetual and was supposed to have looked like this:
It was also supposed to have an entirely different gameplay focus and feature-set: but they changed and in the case of this game extremely sharply since it changed development studios mid-development and all previous work was thrown away.
Even between the Beta stage and the final game there can often be severe balance changes if they find out that specific features don't work as intended.
Something can’t be “demonstrably false” since at this point you are just hallucinating shit up that they might have mentioned at some point and imagining it in game.
I can't address your imaginary game features since I would be talking out of my ass like you.
What can be discussed and what I can extrapolate from is the fact that they are selling virtual ships for $250 and $1250 (and this is probably not the end yet)
right now and that they’ve announced cash for credits and a cash shop for the game
already which would make the game very much Pay2Win.
Talking about broader strokes and already announced major features (like ships, factions and whatnot) makes sense, talking about specific gameplay mechanics like how much credits a ship will presumably cost, how much credits someone could make in an hour or what exactly the balance of the ships will be in broad detail at this point doesn't and seems like a waste of time, since they probably don't even know themselves.
You can't buy ships in the cash shop at all once the game goes live, only credits, with a monthly per-player limitation.
And there you go again... one could presume that you have a direct brain-connection with the prophet himself.
Also what do you call buying credits for dollars and buying a ship with credits then, which was already confirmed?