These diagrams are shit, tbh. Every column has a range of 200 cycles. But since you always have to build 120 products to pass, the resulting number of cycles tends to be a multiple of 120, with some exceptions. My solution needs 5 steps per molecule (=600 cycles) and lands in the 401-600 column. But so would a 4-step-solution with 480 cycles. Is a 4-step-solution possible? I'd like to know, because if it isn't possible, there's no point trying to optimize it any further. But the diagram won't tell me and I'd have to look it up online.
You can stack emitters on top of each other during runtime for more firepower. Which is strange, because you can't stack them in setup.
Now I'm stuck on this one. It has to be possible to do in 6 steps or less. But I can't figure it out.