Going into Deep Spess in Kerbal Space Program.
Newest mission of Polant launch, medium-sized carrier-rocket propel heavy "Lodmor" mission.
Lodmor mission consist of kethane detection orbiter and lander drill, both part of same interplanetary vehicle. Target is Vall, the medium-sized icy moon of Jool. Final stage get entire payaload into orbit with ease, show might of communism and cause much envy of fat cat capitalist.
After over 400 day, jetissoning two empty "drop tanks" and using over half of total fuel interplanetary vehicle prepare for orbital insertion of Jool.
Brilliant socialist space flight engineer put probe on very close rendezvous trajector with Vall while still in high and eccentric Jool orbit. Soon proletariat celebrate this accurate achievement of socialist science.
Probe make picture of Jool from up close and inner-most second biggest moon Laythe as it head to Vall.
Indeed engineer sent probe to a 37 kilometer distance from surface. No correction burn needed, such is proficiency of communist flight engineer.
Bun for the entering orbit of Vall above sharp icy landscape.
Orbit achieved, separating orbiter which will look for potato gas also known as kethane (kethane mod).
Orbiter deploy panel and activate ion engine to enter polar orbit for maximum scan area.
Having found potato gas deposit not far from equator decision made to land lander there. Descent begun (note: the autopilot is off, I simply had it turned on to know my landing site coordinates after touchdown, this was all manual)
Interplanetary stage jettison and crash as lander slightly over 250 meter from surface, final descent engine activate.
Success! Lander land without having to use all fuel from two external tank. Panel deploy and kethane extraction begun, potato gas has been found within ice of Vall! Great day for working class of world and markzism-keninism.