Why do you say that? Are you referring to the fact that you can't move immediately after attacking?Odallus looks and sounds really good, but I couldn't finish it because of stiff and unresponsive controls. It's a shame they couldn't nail such a crucial aspect of a platformer.
As shit as this game turned out to be, the worldbuilding in it great. Love how they merged REH and HPL lore in later parts of the game - how Tower of the Elephant (and whole Khitai) and the demise of Atlanteans neatly fit with Yog-Sothoth/Azathoth. The later in the game you get, the deeper into the Mythos you fall. They did a good job of scraping whatever was in original stories and translating this into HPL.Generic WoW clone : Conan Edition. I hate the WoWish aspects(cooldowns, stat stickie itemization, low lethality, repetitiveness for eg), but love necromancy in this game. You can sacrifice your minions for AoE fear, siphon health from then, sacrifice defense for more minions, has dozens of then to chose and as a necromancer, you can also sacrifice all minion managing capabilities for more magical power, essentially becoming a "dark cryomancer"