You are a mercenary company; so Lords, Generals and even common people think you are just someone making money by killing people and no other value..
... ohh, but the lords come up with these kinds of missions and thats OK.
If i ever get a piece of gold for every disowned prince, knight or heir to the throne i helped in a videogame...
Most of the time you fight other humans and their classes but..
..sometimes(rarely) its a rare monster/ strong sorcerer/ a boss or something different..
Ohh look, i get to temporarly use a overpowered character(The King).. that will definitely not turn on me.. later on...
Jezzz, Lady, he is like 16yo and a priest(class).. back off, get a cold shower or something...
Anyway, this is one of the games from the Mercenaries(Saga) games.
Other games are :
Mercenaries Saga 1 -Will of the White Lions-
Mercenaries Saga 2 -Order of the Silver Eagle-
Mercenaries Saga 3 -Gray Wolves of War-
Mercenaries Blaze
Mercenaries Rebirth: Call of the Wild Lynx
Mercenaries Wings: The False Phoenix
Mercenaries Lament: Requiem of the Silver Wolf -Coming up soon
I played, so far, 4 of them (finished 2)... in retrospective... thats alot of wasted time
... like Pathfinder, another rerun time, wasted for two of these games..
They are mostly: life of a mercenary company in different situations or different stories/settings/goals of main character plotstories or somethinge else...
Maps are a bit small but always give something new to challenge you, and sometimes you need to make a character that can finish that one sidemission/quest you need for a bonus.
Its mostly fight/grind(alot) to unlock better classes that are usefull, and then steroide them up, until the final mission.
Late game is just item boosting (get the right item and add the right bonuses to it).
Buttttt.. every Game costs between 12 to 20 bucks, and all of that (summed up) is not worth it
... they are mostly expansion packs (different stories, very similar to previus versions with very little improvements, improved character images, some class changes..)
Anyway, tactic/party building/grind game, with grind as the main progress function.
Still, it ALL depends about what you want/are willing-to-do for a grind-addicts-game... and there is always pirates out there...