It does.Oh yeah, that game is on my to-play list too. I've heard it has randomly generated levels.
Y don't I recognize dis gaem?
I think they have advised numerous times to not use their glossy paper for asswiping.You know, that cheap game publisher who add free, colourful toilet paper with games
I like the subtle blood splatter and the remains of a man next to the bed. That picture is telling stories!
I like the subtle blood splatter and the remains of a man next to the bed. That picture is telling stories!
Full story here
And I was hoping that some jap codexer/boarder finally got up from his butt and made his dream game with Muhammad and pork sandwich sex.Eve Burst Error, had to try some VN not being a total hentai. It was quite good, although the script could be cutted, the tedious conversation should be more up to the point. It's a detective story, where you have two characters working on investigation. The first one is Kojiroh, typical jap guy who leaves in some dirty place and Marina, the sexy chick you can see in one of the pictures. Their plots are branched, but as more you play and discover, more often they bump up on each other. Interesting mechanic, although it's ruined during the hacking section. Horrible save-load exercise, where you must switch between them. A little bit of panties and bras, but no tentacles and others.
I just converted textures from 32x32 to 16384x16384. If you want true HD experience, get it here.Determined to finish this time around. Hadn't played in years since I sold my boxed copy. Combat still sucks and feels too twitchy even in turn-based, and it's a complete pain to initiate dialogue on moving characters with HD patch (why cant they stay still when you click on them to speak? fuck) but everything else is great. Had forgotten about all the fun dialogue choices. Game looks pretty nice zoomed out in HD too.
(For anyone interested; I converted all the in-game vids to 1080p. If you want them, get them here)
Did you try any command-line switches? I use "-no3d" and "-doublebuffer". Plays smoothly that way otherwise there's tons of screen tearing and everything feels jerky, especially at higher resolutions.I wanted to start playing Arcanum again but the game runs like shit on my computer for some reason. I haven't tried the HD patch so I don't know if this changes anything.
Wouldn't Fallout viewed on a 14" inch screen in 1998 have similar sized graphics as viewed in high-res on a 22" inch widescreen?Arcanum looks horrid in these high resolutions, I couldn't play it that way... Same way with the Fallout titles.
Funny thing - I actually think Arcanum looks *better* this way despite Fallout, for example, looking worse in HD.Arcanum looks horrid in these high resolutions, I couldn't play it that way... Same way with the Fallout titles.
Funny thing - I actually think Arcanum looks *better* this way despite Fallout, for example, looking worse in HD.Arcanum looks horrid in these high resolutions, I couldn't play it that way... Same way with the Fallout titles.
I guess it's because FO had good tiles and sprites, so zooming out only drew attention to obvious tiling and broke the illusion, while Arcanum, with it's shitty sterile, repetitive and platic-y assets benefits from focusing more on area layouts, lighting and making poor level of detail not visible because of the reduced size of the art assets on the screen.
Where can I get this HD patch?
Funny how it doesn't apply to Fallout.Default Arcanum is basically unplayable on a large LCD monitor, it's zoomed in way too far and looks like blurry shit with a view distance of about 5 feet.