Magic Carpet 2
One of the better sequel, which adds many new enemies with every spell having three levels of power is making a huge change compared to its predecessor. With the new underground and night levels, we have a shorter game, but the variety of tasks which will need to do makes it better. I advise to find all the secret passages, since we can gather experience scrolls that will level up our spells a lot faster. Otherwise, we need to use them to finally gain a next upgrade. I love the terrain changing ones, like a small volcano on lvl. 1 becomes a huge mountain spitting fire and rocks all around. Also, the Meteor, which becomes "nuke it from orbit" spell. Original had too many repetitive build castle -> destroy other mages routine. The new foes are really making it harder for us to survive, like the Cymmerians that don't die easily. Instead, they become tiny bugs that will attack our castle. Or little devils, which are usually in big packs, and have that annoying laugh that pisses you off. Hiding behind the rocks to avoid the gaze of the stone Sentinels, which can kill you in a couple of secons. Or behemoths of the netherworlds - dragons, leviathans and hydras. The battles with Hydras are the most exciting ones. They can take a lot of damage, and they are easily attracted to our castle. Killing them is the most satisfying thing that you can do, and you will pimp your castle with that precious mana of her.
The only problem, is that due to the Electronic Arts meddling, MC2 was rushed and has some problems with handling the DOS4GW and it can crash easily, when you choose the SVGA graphics. In low resolution it is less frequent. Just like with most of the Bullfrog titles, MC2 has a really very addictive gameplay and it is always fun to replay it from time to time.