Someone should make Rusty or myself a shoutbox mod, just so one of us can unban people Theo unjustly bans.
Oh, wait, I forgot: neither of us are trannies, so we don't qualify.
It's a funny game site admins play: they get people like Theo on staff because they're clearly politically correct, have a shitton of free time and want to be a janny just based on their report history alone. And then, predictably, they start shit with the other staff, kicking out those who don't mesh with them, bringing on people who do, and gatekeeping anyone who might disgree with them off the team.
Eventually, the whole site becomes a Reset Era or Something Awful blackhole of fun with cancerous, dark triad trannies ruining everything for everyone while they play politics with each other.
Is it really worth it? Is it really worth having a free janitor in the box to ban the dreaded spammers?