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Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth

Mar 3, 2010
"nautical spies"? heresy! blasphemy!
remember you're dealing with "let's remove sea transports because they're too confusing and complicated to use. let's make tanks swim instead".


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
"nautical spies"? heresy! blasphemy!
remember you're dealing with "let's remove sea transports because they're too confusing and complicated to use. let's make tanks swim instead".
Sea transports were always kind of shit in Civ. Held way too few units to be useful.


Jan 5, 2011
"nautical spies"? heresy! blasphemy!
remember you're dealing with "let's remove sea transports because they're too confusing and complicated to use. let's make tanks swim instead".

they removed sea transports???:rpgcodex:

and yes they always sucked but they were always an option.....


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Units & Upgrades: Why it was changed - (Will Miller) "Our first prototype actually contained a SMAC-like unit editor. However, that required too much micromanagement and was quite tedious. So we decided to go with a more linear upgrade system that made more fun and felt more like CIV."

Sounds like they just made a bad editor rather than the concept sucking, if it required micromanagement. Disappointing.

LOL, what could you expect from the dev who made nu-XCOM. After all they first tried making a proper X-COM game, only to figure out it was too complicated for the modern dumbfuck and thus "unfun". Unsurprising they remain true to their idiotic logic of dumbing down.

This is enough decline to fuel a fucking spaceship to Alpha Centauri and back within a human lifespan, if one could make a decline powered-drive.


Oct 22, 2006

This is how you do sea transports :love:


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
"nautical spies"? heresy! blasphemy!
remember you're dealing with "let's remove sea transports because they're too confusing and complicated to use. let's make tanks swim instead".

they removed sea transports???:rpgcodex:

and yes they always sucked but they were always an option.....
In Civ5 any land unit can embark and travel on sea tiles.

I think, but I'm not sure that a naval unit will instantly destroy an unprotected embarked unit.


Mar 22, 2012
Embarked units don't die instantly, but pretty damn easily in my experience. Yet another stupid change by Shafer or whomever, simply managing transports wasn't difficult or tedious and made you at least think a bit on how to launch large scale naval invasions and prepare for them.


Apr 28, 2012
I don't know about that criticism. There's really not much difference in complexity, and I'd argue on the larger scales Civ5 is a lot worse(complication-wise) to manage. In Civ4 say, you had "transports" that you loaded troops on en-mass, and guarded with escorts etc., but didn't need as many transports because you could fit 5 or 8 or whatever troops on board. So you blob up a handful of transports and throw some destroyers on top, maybe some in front no big deal. In Civ5, with each unit taking up a transport, it's much harder and much more complicated trying to defend them all. You have to spread your fleet WAY out in screens, because your transport fleet ends up taking up much more of the ocean. Then, because of the being bottle-necked sometimes, naval invasions need tons of support and are much harder to plan. Paratroopers are almost necessary, naval and bomber bombardments, cruise missiles, etc.

Honestly it makes for a much better experience......in multiplayer. (That's the catch!) Fleets act sorta like fleets with screens around the core, invasions can be a bitch and you need that extra support(like D-Day in Europe needed multiple landings, bombings, ship bombardments, paratroopers, sabotage and partisans).

King Arthur

May 19, 2014
One unit per tile has better multiplayer tactics, but it bolsters the cartoonish vibe Civ has. From a tactical standpoint, D-Day in Civ 5 does feel more like actual D-Day, but in an aesthetic sort of way you don't feel like you've got hundreds of divisions when you're micromanaging one or two dozen units from tile to tile.

About D-Day in Europe, according to a somewhat reliable source (Shirer), Hitler had demanded that the armoured divisions in France not be employed without his specific permission. Accordingly, Rommel the regional commander wasn't able to obtain permission until hours after the invasion had begun, allowing the allies time to secure their beachheads. When Rommel was able to obtain permission, the Fuhrer also sent along orders obliging the armoured divisions to engage no matter the cost. Consequently, they were thrown in piecemeal, much too late, and torn to shreds by the murderous allied naval artillery. So along with everything else you mentioned, the German armour was effectively paralysed for the opening turn or two.


Mar 10, 2011
Auto-embark is a nice feature because it's one way to get around the stupid AI. At the very least in CVi5 the AI was sometimes competent enough to launch a (usually unprotected) sea invasion. That's a step ahead of the previous games where they just didn't have a damned clue on how to properly use transports.


May 9, 2007
It's funny how we've been making Civ games for nearly 15 years now and AI problems like that haven't been solved. Are the algorithms games companies used public? Maybe the problem is no-one shares the progress they make.
Mar 3, 2010
"realism invictus" mod for civ4 solves that problem. ai constantly moves over water, colonizes too. on earth maps even england is a threat.


Jan 8, 2009
I barely played SMAC but I'm already turned off BE listening to those excuses. Sounds like you might as well just play Civ.


Feb 14, 2014
Yeah this is looking like a Civ 5 mod with fake tits.

Wonder what % of the dev team has even played AC.

Space Satan

May 13, 2013
Space Hell
Last faction leader revelaed

Some google-translation from here :
adim Kozlov - the state, scientific and military leader of the Slavic Federation Space Force colonel. In combination - one of the eight leaders in Civilization: Beyond Earth. Comes from a family of metallurgists, has had a distinguished army career, he studied aerospace industry. Commissioner for Development mining space industry, has been appointed leader of the expedition SF beyond the solar system, sent in search of habitable planets, a member of the international program.

Slavic Federation - the state in Eurasia, combining the former territory of Russia and several neighboring countries. Federation was established shortly after the events that among modern historians are called collapse. Russia has become a center of attraction for the less powerful neighbors, can not cope alone with the consequences of the collapse. Federation is the world's largest mining of celestial bodies and the first place in the number of commercial and government satellites in orbit, it is - an absolute world champion in hockey on the water.

It's even got a little speech by him:
Dear citizens of the Slavic Federation! Brave pioneers of deep space! Toilers of the colonists, figures genetics, engineering and cybernetics! That ended last year, which we spent at home. A few months later we leave the native globe and go in search of happiness for the peoples of the Earth. For many years, we were tortured planet, robbed her, exhausted resources in the ground and surface. How many animals and plants disappeared forever from the face of the Earth? "Red Book" has become much thicker than all the volumes of the "Great Soviet Encyclopedia" together - and it's entirely our fault.

Think of how many people died when the last drop of gasoline consumed motor vehicle in the last of the Russian Federation. It really was the last straw, because only then will the nations of Eurasia senses and formed an alliance, years later called Slavic federation.We have gone through a lot. Do you know at least one nation, whose share has fallen so much suffering? No! Who were able to survive the three revolutions in one century? Who stood in the flames of the four world wars? Who would not go down with the rest of the world, when the sea level rose higher than stocks of fishing plants? Nobody but us, Slavs! Nobody.

We turn to the heritage of our Golden Age. The first satellite in orbit, the first man in space, the first extraterrestrial colony, the first flight beyond the Kuiper Belt. All our history - the eternal triumph of mind over stupidity, greed and anger. Ever since the first man timidly looked out of our common cradle - since that time we was destined to move forward. And up! We were destined to a lot of difficulties. The planet, which is sent to the expedition, studied very little. What awaits us in the new house? Any! We are ready for anything. Our microbiologists win extraterrestrial viruses. Our ecologists create great colony. Our astrophysics subdue an alien planet and hand it to mankind. And when other expeditions will not withstand competition with the universe - we will save them from death and shelter under a common roof.

However, the time differences finally passed. We know what the strength of the Slavic Federation. Our orbital station on a whole generation ahead of their foreign counterparts, and our machines allow you to create incredible precision equipment. But if we survive without a reliable support fellow planet? Not whether we Iwanami, not mindful of his father, without pundits Franco Iberia ? Do not spasuem before extraterrestrial fauna without hardened soldiers from Buenos Aires ? Do not wallow in vice, if they do not have direct spiritual fathers of Kavitanskogo Protectorate ? No, we have to act together for the good of all human kind.

King Arthur

May 19, 2014
Who stood in the flames of the four world wars

This is a very minor detail, but it bothers me a bit. "The Second World War" already sounds like something out of H.G. Wells, and Einstein pointed out that after the third go we'd be back in the stone age. Having four world wars, none of which are apocalyptic, kind of cheapens them. I think they'd have done better to stick with three, four is just gratuitous unless they're in some Mad Max world.

Overall this guy's bio isn't as bad as the others. The previous ones were unreadable, they were so boring and inane. With this one they at least focused on interesting stuff, even if it was clumsily done, and they even got creative by including a speech by the guy. Creative exposition! If they were really smart, they'd have looked up one of Goebbel's* speeches and used it as inspiration. Would have given the character more flare.

*Goebbel or some other famous orator, depending on what vibe they're going for. The point is that the people writing for this game could use some inspiration.


Mar 31, 2004
the south bay
Who stood in the flames of the four world wars

This is a very minor detail, but it bothers me a bit. "The Second World War" already sounds like something out of H.G. Wells, and Einstein pointed out that after the third go we'd be back in the stone age. Having four world wars, none of which are apocalyptic, kind of cheapens them. I think they'd have done better to stick with three, four is just gratuitous unless they're in some Mad Max world.

Overall this guy's bio isn't as bad as the others. The previous ones were unreadable, they were so boring and inane. With this one they at least focused on interesting stuff, even if it was clumsily done, and they even got creative by including a speech by the guy. Creative exposition! If they were really smart, they'd have looked up one of Goebbel's* speeches and used it as inspiration. Would have given the character more flare.

*Goebbel or some other famous orator, depending on what vibe they're going for. The point is that the people writing for this game could use some inspiration.

Well tbf in Civ games I sometimes have 4 world wars and the last one is almost always nuclear, but the way the game works humanity still ends up going to Alpha Centauri before everything goes all Mad Max on them.


Mar 10, 2011
You misheard Einstein.

The third world war will be fought with nukes.

The fourth will be fought with flame and broken English.

And the fifth will be fought in space.


Apr 10, 2013
For a while there I allowed myself to hope.
That gamestar interview slapped my face back to reality.

Well, as I always say looking at the half full glass: one less game to keep track of.
Those guys should try a career in politics by the way.

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