DraQ summoning me to this thread reminded me of a TRVE KODEX MOMENT I had at uni on Monday.
I was sitting in the philosophers' cafe, chatting with bros, and some chick mentioned Tamriel in some non-TES context (like, that a friend of hers once asked something like "where in Middle Earth was Tamriel?" or somesuch funny "hurr I confuse fantasy worlds" thingie). Some dude replied with "wasn't that the world of The Elder Scrolls games?" and another chick answered that with "no, it's just a continent on that world, the world's called Nirn".
And then we started talking about TES games, or more like the world map of TES. Like, Skyrim is in the north, Cyrodiil pretty much smack in the middle, Morrowind northeast.
Then I mentioned Cyrodiil was originally supposed to be a jungle.
Then the dude replied "Well, even if they had made it a jungle it wouldn't have improved Oblivion..."
And pretty much everyone involved in the conversation agreed that Oblivion was a horrible piece of shit, Skyrim was a good game but becomes boring after a while, and Morrowind was the best and the only one with a story that's not retarded.
It was kinda like talking to Codexers IRL. Only with less rage.
I was sitting in the philosophers' cafe, chatting with bros, and some chick mentioned Tamriel in some non-TES context (like, that a friend of hers once asked something like "where in Middle Earth was Tamriel?" or somesuch funny "hurr I confuse fantasy worlds" thingie). Some dude replied with "wasn't that the world of The Elder Scrolls games?" and another chick answered that with "no, it's just a continent on that world, the world's called Nirn".
And then we started talking about TES games, or more like the world map of TES. Like, Skyrim is in the north, Cyrodiil pretty much smack in the middle, Morrowind northeast.
Then I mentioned Cyrodiil was originally supposed to be a jungle.
Then the dude replied "Well, even if they had made it a jungle it wouldn't have improved Oblivion..."
And pretty much everyone involved in the conversation agreed that Oblivion was a horrible piece of shit, Skyrim was a good game but becomes boring after a while, and Morrowind was the best and the only one with a story that's not retarded.
It was kinda like talking to Codexers IRL. Only with less rage.