Another thing I remembered about Skyrim is how fucking horrible the scripting of dialogues/actions were, there were always pauses between dialogue lines, dialogues end and action performed, you could see the script kicking in slowly and it looked hideous. Nothing is fluid in that game, it's all interrupted sequences of scripts.
Also I don't understand where they got the courage to create bigger battles than 1vs2, it's all such clusterfuck with the characters floating on the ground, missing all the swings, running around, missing some more, shouting horrible fucking lines of bullshit dialogue..WHY DOESN'T ANYBODY UNDERSTAND THAT BATTLE CRY IS NOT TO BE SPOKEN WITH THE SAME VOLUME AS NORMAL SPEECH, ffs, it's so idiotic watching the fake nords with fake helmets and fake accent run into wolves and miss, run around and miss, while speaking in normal voice:"YOU NEVER SHOULD HAVE COME HERE" as if the fucking wolf could possibly understand them.
What the fuck.
Why the fuck did they reuse the same lines for different voice actors? I cannot understand this, it can't cost more to have the actor speak different lines than the previous actor.