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Skyrim is worse than Oblivion in every way


Mar 17, 2012
Is this game actually "good" in the state that it's in, worth torrenting and trying out? (no way I'm giving money to Bethesda)

Or is it worth waiting for some big overhaul mod a la Nehrim before getting one's hands dirty?

Its fun for couple of hours, but when you done hiking you discover theres nothing interesting to do, becasue quest and writing suck big time, theres no good expansion on lore only derp with dragons
Also its only like 5,4gb

As for Dawnguard, i heard theres Jiub in it, so i only want to check how he got violently raped there

whoa really? i might get it just for that

"It was at this time he decided to turn his life around to seek redemption. He felt compelled to give something back to the people of Morrowind so he decided to embark upon a crusade against the Cliff Racers who plagued his homeland[2]."

:lol: bethesda taking the piss out of themselves?


Sucking on dicks and being proud of it
Dumbfuck Queued
Nov 15, 2011
This game is so shit:
So I'm General of the Legion. I join Dark Brotherhood and upon my final task, I murder the emperor (twice). And guess what. They didn't dump me from the Legion (although we fight with dozens of legionaries) and I bribed a guard with ~500 gold coins for murdering the emperor (as I was the guildmaster of thieves).

Plus shitty random legionaries still tell me to ~"move along civilian" although I'm the goddamn general of the Legion headquaters. Fuck this game when I can't even fap my e-penis after achieving everything possible because NPC still treat me like shit.

How could they even push shit like assassination of the emperor with no consequences or challanges anyway. It's worse than slaying noob Mannimarco in Oblivion.
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
That reminds me. Has anybody here been following progress on the Elder Scrolls partial conversion called "Andoran"?

It was originally being designed for Oblivion, but they've since decided to port it over to the Creation Engine. But their website assures that "transferring the game to the TES V engine doesn't imply that we will be using Skyrim's game mechanics however. The role-playing system is closer to that in TES III: Morrowind in point of fact."

I really hope that this team succeeds in finishing the mod, just as a big "fuck you" in protest to Bethesda and other mainstream developers, to demonstrate how you can still have detailed, engrossing hand-crafted worlds on modern technology, and that skills/attributes systems still have a place in such games. The way Todd defended the removal of attributes, he acted like they were completely redundant or impossible to implement. Maybe if Skyrim actually had an extensive variety of weapon types, and skill checks, and magic that was more multifarious than "spell you shoot at the enemy" / "spell you shoot at the ground", it would've made keeping all of those things in worthwhile.

WHOA! :eek:

Is this ever going to be finished? Certainly hope so, since those are russian modders, maybe it will...


RPG Codex Polish Car Thief
Staff Member
Nov 4, 2007
This game is so shit:
So I'm General of the Legion. I join Dark Brotherhood and upon my final task, I murder the emperor (twice). And guess what. They didn't dump me from the Legion (although we fight with dozens of legionaries) and I bribed a guard with ~500 gold coins for murdering the emperor (as I was the guildmaster of thieves).

Plus shitty random legionaries still tell me to ~"move along civilian" although I'm the goddamn general of the Legion headquaters. Fuck this game when I can't even fap my e-penis after achieving everything possible because NPC still treat me like shit.

How could they even push shit like assassination of the emperor with no consequences or challanges anyway. It's worse than slaying noob Mannimarco in Oblivion.
Ha, I was :eek: that at one point - when doing a quest for some old lady whose daughter-legioner went missing - I was able to actually, get this, order a soldier to reveal that information.


Sucking on dicks and being proud of it
Dumbfuck Queued
Nov 15, 2011
It must be a bug and it doesn't work as intended.


Jul 21, 2012
Codex 2014
ohWOW said:
If i'm not mistaken, dark brotherhood spawns were focused only at us, all NPC just ignored them watching them raping us in the middle of the guild hall.
I don't think so, I even remember one funny as shit glitch, bothering some guy from polish forum, where dark bros were butchering NPCs around him as soon as he woke up and he had to pay bounty for that. Maybe they patched it eventually.

Rpgsaurus Rex said:
Is this game actually "good" in the state that it's in, worth torrenting and trying out
Pretty much like every post-Morrowind Bethesda game - fun for the first few hours, until you realize how shallow everything is. I made it through the DB guild and couldn't bring myself to play any longer. Quite a pity, because without level scalled loot, more unique items and countless fetch quests reforged into less but worth looking into it would be not a bad dungeon crawler.


Sucking on dicks and being proud of it
Dumbfuck Queued
Nov 15, 2011
Maybe it's because of some mod, but I've checked it on my Morrowind and got ambushed in the Balmora's South Wall tavern and NPC just didn't give a fuck.


Jun 23, 2012
Maybe it's because of some mod, but I've checked it on my Morrowind and got ambushed in the Balmora's South Wall tavern and NPC just didn't give a fuck.

NPCs don't protect you from other NPCs in Morrowind (assuming they attack first). Only from monsters. I know people will chalk it up to poor planning/implementation on Bethesda's part, but I actually always liked that they didn't interfere. It made assassination attempts more challenging and furthered the "fuck you outlander, Morrowind is a land for tough and dignified people who would rather show apathy in public than possibly make enemies by helping a stranger" atmosphere.


Jul 11, 2008
Ok launched of the derpguard and goddamn vampire attacks start without any warning, it was just one now but it managed to kill that blacksmith chick of whiterun even before i could run to her, then it risen her to fight the rest. Stupid useless dawngauard member showed up after the fact and went with lines, STUPID DOODZ DONT SEE THE VAMPIRE THREAT, JOIN US TODAY BRO


Jun 23, 2012
Oh god, now they're doing the melodramatic railroading for DLC too? Can't wait to see how that runs once the GotY is out and people have multiple DLC installed simultaneously. I guess it's more IMMERSIVE than throwing notes/radio signals at you immediately ater completing chargen.



Jul 21, 2012
Codex 2014
Why railroading at all? Wouldn't it be better to just put some event somewhere. Oh yeah, I forgot "HELP! I CAN'T FIND CAIUS COSADES!!!111"...


Jun 23, 2012
Why railroading at all? Wouldn't it be better to just put some event somewhere. Oh yeah, I forgot "HELP! I CAN'T FIND CAIUS COSADES!!!111"...
The best is when you're given a quest just for introducing yourself to an NPC:

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't notice you."
QUEST ADDED: Bob's Dilemma
"I noticed that Bob didn't give me the same robotic "hello" greeting as all the other NPCs in town. He must be involved in a quest somehow! I should write this down in my quest log for future reference even though I have no interest in getting to the quest any time soon."

Maybe TES VI ought to just add all of the quests in the game to your quest log from the very beginning? After all, playing the game on your own terms and picking and choosing NPCs/quests to deal with as they interest you is for squares. Don't forget to start as a generic blonde haired Nord with leather armor and a horned helmet.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Oh god, now they're doing the melodramatic railroading for DLC too? Can't wait to see how that runs once the GotY is out and people have multiple DLC installed simultaneously. I guess it's more IMMERSIVE than throwing notes/radio signals at you immediately ater completing chargen.


Reminds me of Oblivion with all DLCs.

Exit the beginning dungeon, be greeted by 8 or so popup messages that tell you about the DLC quests/locations. SUPER IMMERSIVE.


Feb 16, 2011
Maybe TES VI ought to just add all of the quests in the game to your quest log from the very beginning?

I didn't find it so bad that Skyrim introduced the player to some quests via rumors you hear or things you visit. I would have prefered to have the possibility to manually erase quests from the journal though.


Jul 11, 2008
Player: What are you holding there?
NPC: Its called a crossbow mon


Jun 23, 2012
Wow. That video had more humor and characterization than the entirety of the game itself.


Jul 11, 2008
Wow. That video had more humor and characterization than the entirety of the game itself.

Another phenomenon of popularity of the series, bethesda creates crap game, and fandom somehow is amazed by it and creates material that surpass it at quality, in short the game have more attention that it should


Jun 23, 2012
If you've looked at cesspools like /r/skyrim you'll notice the average gamer apparently doesn't care about extensive, rewarding character development or a responsive and well-designed world or backstory. Rather:

— "HOMG THIS GAEM IS BOOTIFUL" *screenshot of blank night sky*
— Hoarding cheese wheels or circlejerking about Legion/Stormcloak distinctions (when there are none) and collecting their helmets
— Making stupid self referential jokes about FUS ROH DAH and other stuff nobody cares about anymore

Your mind has got to have the neural complexity of a mosquito if you're able to get off on this kind of thing for hundreds of hours on end. That's what aggravates me more than Skyrim itself - the principle of its implementation and the fact the game has been a huge success for the developers when they deserve no such thing. Apparently garbage sells just as well as art, so developers have no reason to heed the distinction anymore.


Jul 11, 2008
If you've looked at cesspools like /r/skyrim you'll notice the average gamer apparently doesn't care about extensive, rewarding character development or a responsive and well-designed world or backstory. Rather:

— "HOMG THIS GAEM IS BOOTIFUL" *screenshot of blank night sky*
— Hoarding cheese wheels or circlejerking about Legion/Stormcloak distinctions (when there are none) and collecting their helmets
— Making stupid self referential jokes about FUS ROH DAH and other stuff nobody cares about anymore

Your mind has got to have the neural complexity of a mosquito if you're able to get off on this kind of thing for hundreds of hours on end. That's what aggravates me more than Skyrim itself - the principle of its implementation and the fact the game has been a huge success for the developers when they deserve no such thing. Apparently garbage sells just as well as art, so developers have no reason to heed the distinction anymore.

Yea theres tons of shity "fan creativity" out there, but i am more amazed how the more skilled people waste their time and skills on souless, made for masses game,

atm bethtards fap on vampire female companion from dawnguard, first think people started to ask on PC release "PLEASE POST HIGH RESOLUTION PICTURES OF SERANA", and of course the mentioned character is standard bethesdian flat tard bag of polygon, but the fact she has polygon boobs is enough for these tards


Jul 21, 2012
Codex 2014
Bahamut said:
i am more amazed how the more skilled people waste their time and skills on souless, made for masses game
Because they are played by many comparatively new gamers (new ≠ young) without distilled taste towards games. To give you some idea, I heard that Terry Pratchett liked Oblivion...

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