Also how is it possible that Bethesda is giving this away for free on PC? Is Zenimax the good guys suddenly ?
Bethesda neither gets Fallout, nor cares about it as much.
What do you do with a crazy sci fi setting, though?
It's a lot easier to make good looking terrain when you're basing it upon some of the most beautiful landscapes in the real world rather than on a pile of nuclear rubble.
You can find some stunning pieces of post-apocalyptic cities on deviantart though, so Bethesda could have made a pretty fallout 4 if they had bothered. We know the engine can do it.
Well, they won't make it worse.Will they improve the UI ?
Also how is it possible that Bethesda is giving this away for free on PC? Is Zenimax the good guys suddenly ?
Well, they won't make it worse.Will they improve the UI ?
Yeah, but if you don't "get" a setting, you can't meaningfully alter or expand anything about it without losing the already tenuous grasp you have on it. You may own the IP but you need some level of consistency, otherwise even the casuls will call bullshit.Bethesda neither gets Fallout, nor cares about it as much.
Thats true but still even if you do not get themes of Fallout or care about its lore you can still make a visually stunning game.
I just came.You can do a lot of things if you have imagination. Take just Fallout 1 and copy some of its locations into first person game. How much more impressive would be Glow when seen from first person then anything in Fallout 4, and its just a huge hole in the ground.
Yeah, but if you don't "get" a setting, you can't meaningfully alter or expand anything about it without losing the already tenuous grasp you have on it. You may own the IP but you need some level of consistency, otherwise even the casuls will call bullshit.
Notice how FO3, with some exceptions, stuck close to the original's aesthetics. Aesthetics is easiest to replicate and perceived even by the most moronic audiences. So is throwing in a bunch of zany popculture shit and claiming it's just like Fallout's easter eggs (and Bloody Mess, it's HILARIOS!).
Replicating intricate quest structures or meaningfully expanding or advancing the setting itself is hard, therefore I don't think Bethesda's Fallouts will ever be anything but desaturated piles of radioactive rubble - that's the only thing that maintains any sort of connection between their games and the IP they hold, even adding vegetation and non-junk settlements and items would break the illusion of Beth's Fallout being in any way related to Fallout.
It's symptomatic that while Beth opted to stick to Fallout tokens - Vaults, Supermutant antagonists, BoS, Enclave, Harold with his fucking tree etc. Obsidian could freely dissociate from that and tell a completely different story, with completely different actors while staying firmly within FO universe.
They may be able to re-incline TES and do many interesting things with it, but I doubt they will ever do such a thing with FO because they are unable to and know it.
They will happily use it to experiment with stuff in different directions than they take their flagship, though - notice what happened to skill systems in Skyrim and FO4.
(Granted, I haven't played FO4 but tell me if I'm wrong. I must credit Bethesda for concept - if not the execution - of "mountable" PA, though.)
I just came.
The only thing comparable to FPP Glow would be some locations in STALKER.
Loverslab mods when?
All you really need to play skyrim is SkyUI and unofficial bug fixes mod.
I wonder how many bugs they fixed in special edition though
maybe with 64 bit skyUI won't memory crash me everytime i open crafting menu or misc inventory or my spellbookAll you really need to play skyrim is SkyUI and unofficial bug fixes mod.
I wonder how many bugs they fixed in special edition though
And guess what SkyUI needs to work.
All you really need to play skyrim is SkyUI and unofficial bug fixes mod.
Reading this made me realise that while I've pirated 8/10 games I've played I would gladly pay fullprice (or even more) to get to play Skyrim with just-the-right mods, avoiding it screaming makeshift while taking advantage of the maturity of its modding scene without spending the time to research and set shit up.Special modder touch, more likely.
Whatever you say about Bethesda, they get credit for using DoF and the like subtly and responsibly in Skyrim - something no other devs seem to do, yet those screens look as if they were taken underwater.
Meanwhile modders seem to have even worse judgement than most developers when it comes to use of "cinematic" effects.
Gud textures, though.
Also, I'd be quite interested in Oblivion remake. The original was beyond all help, but Bethesda's approach to TES seems to have changed quite dramatically with Skyrim, so it might even be a success, or, at worst, an interesting failure to behold.
Now that's an ignorant shitpost if I've ever seen one.
If you use Requiem, then very few obviously "tanky" enemies have their HP inflated. OTOH most damage is scaled up so much that it nullifies sponginess, armor plays much more role, spamming is an easy way to die, many enemies require unique tactics and weapons vary wildly in their effectiveness against different targets and may require different tactics to be used effectively. Weapon damage is of secondary importance most of the time because even weak weapons are fucking deadly. Thinking is not only involved but required as prioritization of targets and managing limited magicka/stamina is a must. Deciding what spell or weapon to use, when to attack, power attack, bash or block is vital and you have additional options like bullrushing. Good choice of tactics may make up for 20 levels of difference, while bad tactics may simply be ineffective, but may also allow a lowly bear or sabercat 1hk your lvl40 demigod (for example if you get pounced off a mountain).
Why are spells specifically meant to be used as magical traps not legitimate traps? Besides, of that you can exploit triggered rock traps to hurl rocks at the enemies, lead enemies into traps or trigger them yourself, even at range using bow, throw enemies off high places, ignite oil spills to engulf them in flames, or lead them into other encounters that will prove deadly to them and all that is already in vanilla. What is it if not using the environment to kill enemies?
Questlines are meh (bad, but not painfully so), but a simple fix is installing a well integrated mod that adds its own quests - like 3DNPCs. Then bad content gets diluted by good content and good content finds its way into bad content greatly improving it (when mod quests tie into vanilla ones or a mod follower provides interesting banter relevant to the vanilla quest you're doing), and if you use mechanical mod that as a side effect improves the pacing (by making questline quests more demanding) then you have more content to branch into before you gain high enough level to return to the questline.
Reading this made me realise that while I've pirated 8/10 games I've played I would gladly pay fullprice (or even more) to get to play Skyrim with just-the-right mods, avoiding it screaming makeshift while taking advantage of the maturity of its modding scene without spending the time to research and set shit up.
Bloody Bethesda games trigger whatever sperging tendencies I have. I wait forever to play them, miss out on the time when they are actually relevant, and then delay getting them off my backlog due to the work needed to get them to an optimal level. Couple of years back I spent 3 full days researching and another 3 modding Fallout 3 out of its subpar vanilla state into something actually worthy of my limited RPG-gaming time.
Skyrim's setup time looks closer to 10 days and the SE looks like it (even when ScriptExtender etc are ported) shaves only a couple of hours worth of that.
Pete Heines talks about possible Morrowind (or Oblivion) remake:
Google Translate said:PC Games: The Skyrim Special Edition is a good word - why Sykrim and not Oblivion or Morrowind?
Pete Hines:There are a number of reasons. One of the most important is that Skyrim is by far the most popular of the three tracks. More importantly, though, that Skyrim was the basis for Fallout 4 on the current console generation. In fact, the first step in the Fallout 4 development, the attempt Skyrim on Xbox One and PS4 to get to work at all was. It was clear that we had to take the technically closest match as the basis for Fallout 4 and that was just Skyrim. This does not mean that we could not make Morrowind. But because of the title comes from the 2002, we would rather speak of a complete remake and not a revision. In many cases, especially in the graphics we would start here almost from zero. In Oblivion, the situation would be similar. Also, this title is ten years old and given the many advances we have made in the field of programming at this time, a return to this would be a real Herkulesaufabe.
Because it would take the least work and creative thinking for the highest return on investment.
TBH, it wouldn't surprise me if they actually hired a couple of them.I wish Bethesda would make a Morrowind remake just to see the face of people who work on Skywind.
It doesn't matter, tho. The problem isn't even entirely bethesda, a game like morrowind is like V:TMB, it's a product of talented people working with limited resources. That sort of conditions (that are normally negative) can end up making up for in increased creativity. The way TES games are developed now make it highly unlikely that it could happen again with that franchise.
Fuck no, dude. You really do need mods. I can't stomach vanilla Skyrim. It's horribly boring. I'd just get a playthrough in now. Months for the SKSE team to do their work, who knows how long for SkyUI, and then you have Requiem team which could take even longer.All you really need to play skyrim is SkyUI and unofficial bug fixes mod.
I wonder how many bugs they fixed in special edition though