Le reddet so fahnny
Le reddet so fahnny
you cannot tell me this isnt a girl
The HD remaster is pretty much a sign that SMTV is going to play like Nocturne. Or so I hope.![]()
Why would you hope that? They've been abusing press turn since 2003. It's been 17 years, they really need something new for the combat system. You can always just play Nocturne for that, or the new remaster.
Or maybe, if you don't like press turn, you can play the thousands of inferior games without press turn?Why would you hope that? They've been abusing press turn since 2003. It's been 17 years, they really need something new for the combat system. You can always just play Nocturne for that, or the new remaster.
When I mean "play like", I don't mean only press turn, but all of the things they forgot about when they made the shit SMT4 and SMT4A. One hopes they don't use that shit art too.The HD remaster is pretty much a sign that SMTV is going to play like Nocturne. Or so I hope.![]()
Why would you hope that? They've been abusing press turn since 2003. It's been 17 years, they really need something new for the combat system. You can always just play Nocturne for that, or the new remaster.
Could be trans to appeal to the overwhelming majority of western players (and Codex).you cannot tell me this isnt a girl
At 2:05, they included a journalist difficulty mode.
you cannot tell me this isnt a girl
He wears male school uniform.
Look at the crowd scene. The pants are non-standard.
Good for people that never play the game, and the game actually looks crisp from that trailer. That Raidou in the end means that this is based on the Maniax version (not that ATLUS has any choice to use Dante to begin with I guess).
Unless they add some other content I have seen everything the game has to offer tho.
Please elaborate. From what I know both versions have identical content except for the guest character.This version is also harder.
Tbh, this doesn't make the game harder, only makes it longer and annoying.I know Lucifer has Diarahan instead of Diarama.
I know Lucifer has Diarahan instead of Diarama.
When you play a Maniacs game, you get a choice of difficulty levels from the
outset, rather than like the original Nocturne, where your first time through
was on a default difficulty and the second time through was a harder difficulty.
Difficulty levels make no difference in terms of what you can do or endings or
anything like that--they're just there as an additional option. Personally I
find Normal Mode MUCH too easy and have never played a full game on that
difficulty level. (Heck, even on Hard it's not as hard as a second-time-around
game in vanilla Nocturne) However, your mileage may vary. The differences in
gameplay are as follows:
* Enemies ambush you (i.e. strike first) with less frequency
* Enemies don't always critically hit you when Back attacking you
* Insta-death magic doesn't work as frequently
* Accuracy for many Physical attacking skills increased (Iron Claw can hit now)
* Bad Status ailments don't take as often. (Note that all the percentage
counting I did in the Skills section was for Vanilla Nocturne on that point)
* Enemies do less damage than in a default Nocturne game--about 2/3 or 3/4, I'd
* Prices for items are the same as a default Nocturne game.
* Getting attacked from behind won't get you critically hit. (REALLY stupid
change IMO. There's essentially no difference between being back attacked and
the enemies getting first shot this way)
* Running away is easier than in a default Nocturne game.
* Enemies do about double the damage that they do on Normal mode--about the
same amount of damage they do on a second-time-through game in Nocturne.
* Buying prices for items in stores are tripled. Sell prices are not likewise
scaled upwards. (IOW, you get paid the same for selling items in Normal and
in Hard) This only applies in Junk Shops--Rag's trade-ins are the same, and
summoning demons in the Jakyo Manor is no more expensive than if it was
on Normal.
* Damage Zones (burning floor, cursed corridor, or when you're Poisoned) all
do triple damage.
* You cannot run from battle. There are two exceptions: 1) if all
enemies facing you are incapacitated (ie Asleep, Bound, Frozen, etc) you can
run from them 2) Escape spells and items like Torafulee and Blinding Spheres
will work as normal.
It may not be TOTALLY impossible to run normally from battle--in Ikebukuro, I
once ran from a lone Manekata without it being incapacitated, but that was the
only time I ever suceeded on a "straight" run. It may just be that the chances
to run are much, much lower. Still, in that case, the failure rate would be so
ridiculously high as to make it the same as being impossible in practice.
* Insta-kill magic works more often than on a normal game (though still not as
much as in "vanilla" Nocturne)
Ihough there was also no fiend/Dante fights, which means no Matador.