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So, anyone playing League of Legends?

May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
I call on Stereotypical Villain and Undead Phoenix, who had the pleasure of spectating about a dozen of my matches yesterday. They are my witnesses that GRUNKER Hell exists, even if they didn't get to see the 0/17/2 atmas impaler vayne that finally broke my spirit.

I'd call On Deadly Mongoose, Prenek and 1379ftw too were they codexers. Your "Wow, you really are cursed with dumb teammates" comments kept me going all the way through the GRUNKER death spiral.
GRUNKER hell doesn't exist - you just couldn't carry yourself out of a paper bag.


Jul 4, 2011
Could maybe level EUW acc too I guess. I think a have a level 2 summoner there or something.


Jun 18, 2010
Phoenix wanted me to and I didn't feel like arguing :D

Doesn't matter since sona decided to /dance in base though and the other team took full advantage


Nov 23, 2002
MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
It was funny watching Sona connect long enough to walk to bot tower then disco and walk right back to fountain.


Jun 18, 2010
Riven mid? You euros sure do play funny :p

Riven is a good counterpick vs certain mid champions. Ideally you'd have a vlad/kennen/rumble/etc go top while she counters mid

Riven hardcounters melee mages. The most likely ones you're going to meet are Kassadin and Galio. Katarina, Maokai, AP Sion and even Gragas to some degree fall under this umbrella as well. She can punish them hard whenever they try for CS and you can usually kill them at level 3 with a dorans blade start.

For harrass-based mages Riven still works since they will run out of mana before she runs out of valor. If you do the classic EWQWWR on her and start dorans you should be fine vs. Cassio, Karth and Orianna and able to gib them at level 3. For Ryze or vlad start dorans, go EQWWWR and enjoy free kills from level 3 onwards. For Ahri, Heimer, Swain and Xerath you should go bootspots and sidestep their skillshots. They'll run out of mana and become killable around level 5. Against Twisted Fate start clothpots. wait for his locked card to expire/get used then REW->aa->Q->ignite->aa->QQ->aa->wait for him to panic flash->R for the kill.

The only mid lanes that riven really don't work with is morgana (no way to pop black shield, can't deny her farm), mordekaizer (shield always up, never die! Managable early, annoying later. Better to go top instead). and kennen (nearly impossible to close the gap to 'cause cocaine ball).

Sadly they had a competent kogmaw that I couldn't really win trades with 'cause his slow meant he got 4-5 aas in when I backed out again. And jungle had to babysit bot since Phoenix was DC so I couldnt' really get the lead I needed to start a snowball. We were expecting the kog'maw to be bot. The AP kog kinda threw us at champ select.


Jun 18, 2010
Actually, let's try to get something constructive going in this thread. Homework for everyone: Pick a champion you're good at playing - preferably your main - and write a short guide with tricks of the trade and share it with the class. Given that solotop Riven seems to be the champion I play most in S2 I'll write one up over lunch. (I actually wrote one ages ago on leaguecraft, but much of it is outdated since it was for the old jungle)


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
My main is jungle Maokai I guess. Don't know if I have anything to add that you can't find in a guide by players like dOooom or TheOddOne. Basically, I run him as a fairly standard tanky jungler with 0/11/19 masteries. Usually start with a regrowth pendant+pot, but boots+pots works too if you're facing a fast jungler or want easier ganks. Setting up sapling nests for faster first clear is common knowledge I guess which means that you can start in several different places. I usually go wraiths-blue-wolves-wraiths-red, then either gank mid or clear golems and gank top, assuming that there are gank opportunities available. Skill order is usually E-Q-E-W and then max Q first followed by W, with the ult at 6, 11 and 16 obviously. I sometimes max W over Q for longer root duration if my lanes don't have much cc to pull off ganks easier.

A useful trick when being chased is to toss a sapling into a camp to get vision and then used Twisted Advance to dash there. Not as fast or easy to pull off like a Lee Sin W to ward, but it can get you out of some sticky spots. Also, you have one of the best brush checking tools in the game so never, ever, facecheck!. When doing map objectives like dragon/baron or stealing buffs, make sure to use some saplings as ward coverage.

A typical final item build would probably look like this: Shurelia's, Merc threads, Randuin's, Frozen Heart, Abyssal Scepter. Games usually never drag on long enough for me to get a 6th item since I tend to get a lot more assists than kills and since I buy quite a few wards/oracle's and such. A good final item would be a Rylai's since you make good use of all the stats. Get a Sunfire Cape if playing with Darth Roxor and you want him to burst a blood vessel. The abyssal scepter could be replaced with either a FoN or BV if you want to go pure tank or someone else on your team is getting it, but I like it on Maokai since he has good AP scalings and usually is found in the thick of the battle. Your role as Maokai is to initiate team fights, peal off bruisers from your carries and make sure to keep your ult centered over where all the action takes place


Jun 18, 2010
Bounce for Noxus. A pocket Guide for Riven

Riven is a soft-carry melee bruiser. She is usually played top, but also works mid and jungle. She is strong versus the vast majority of popular solotop picks and able to at the very least tie her lane against the rest, making her a very safe pick. She's a towerdiver par excellence. If she gets ahead even a little she snowballs extremely hard and becomes a true terror midgame. Riven works on comboing several short-cooldown skills and empowered autoattacks. Learning her combos and timing them correctly are key to maximizing your burst potential.

Rumes/Masteries/Summoner spells
Riven needs to be played offensively. If you can't dish out tons of damage™ you won't be able to scare people and you're wasting her glorious passive. For masteries, go 21/9/0, making sure to pick up brute force, sorcery, weapon expertise, vampirism, sunder and executioner in offense. In defense, prioritize armor or MR depending on your opponent and grab veterans scars.
For runes, abuse the fact that riven scales ridiculously well with attack damage. Flat AD Quints and Reds are a must. for yellows and blues, take flat armor or scaling mr to your preference. I have an AD/MR and an AD/Armor page I switch between depending on who I'll be facing.
Why nor armor pen? Early level, Riven scales harder on AD than ArmPen. You need to be stronk early to snowball. Also, AD will make your shield stronker and charge your passive.
For spells go flash/ignite. Flash-stun combos are great for towerdiving. Ignite gives you more damage and riven is all about bursty damage. you could go exhaust/flash vs things like renekton but I wouldn't recommend it.


Skill overview:
[Passive] Runic blade
Whenever riven uses one of her skills, she gets runic blade stacks. She consumes them when autoattacking dealing 5-15+[100% Bonus AD] additional damage. She can have up to 3 stacks at any one time, they expire if they aren't used and she can't damage buildings with them. This is the reason you want to build AD fast on riven. She effectively gets a 2:1 ratio on it and it's how you're going to kill many champions at level 3-4 from full health in a single combo.

[Q] Broken Wings
AKA Bouncy Fun time. This spell has several uses. If your mouse is over an enemy unit when you activate this, Riven will bounce a short distance towards it. Otherwise she will bounce in the direction she is facing. Units in her path take a small amount of damage (30-110+[60% bonus AD]). She can activate this abilitiy 3 times within a short interval, and the third attack will do a small AoE knockup. Every activation of Broken Wings resets her autoattack timer.
Several important things to know with Q:
- It's a gapcloser that also deals damage
- Her third activation interrupts channeled abilities like Katarinas Death Lotus, Karthus'es Requiem, Caitlyns sniper shot etc.
- Q and E allows Riven to run away from enemies, even when slowed
- It deals AoE damage, so you may unintentionally push your lane if you use it in a creep wave
- The cooldown starts the moment you use the first activation, so you arent' hurt by delaying the 2nd/3rd activation for a few seconds
Broken wings is what makes Riven dish out crazy damage early on. It's a stealth attack speed steroid that doubles with the AD steroid in her passive. working in an autoattack between each activation means that at level 1 you're doing:
Broken Wings + Runic Blade + Regular Autoattacks -> Q+aa+Q+aa+Q+aa
3x30+[0.6bAD] + 3x5+[1.0bAD] + 3x AD = 105 + 3x Rivens base damage + 7.8 x Rivens bonus AD.
Seven point eight times her bonus AD. And that's not counting what her W and R will add to the combo. Yeah.

[W] Ki Burst
Riven explodes with awesome. A 0.5 second stun on a short cooldown that scales 1:1 with bonus AD.
- In a teamfight, try to tag as many people as possible with this. Usually by flash-valoring in, stunnign then using Q to wail on the squishies.
- The range is very short, but her ultimate extends it

[E] Valor
A short range dash combined with a 2.5 second shield that scales 1:1 with bonus AD. This skill is ridiculously Stronk™ and key to outsustaining just about anyone in lane. The 1:1 scaling is the reason you can (and should) stack AD on riven early. It's mobility and survivability combined with charging your passive. Your primary gapcloser/escape.
-Will not go through walls, but will go through temporary terrain (anivia wall, jarvan ult, trundle pillar). Dash is always towards your cursor.
-Is not affected with slows. Combined with [Q], her [E] makes her harder to chase down than Singed.
-If you activate her [R] before [E] in a combo, [E] will shield for more.
-I've saved my ass so many times using this to absorb an ignite thrown on me as I ran away with low health. Makes enemies rage
-Will fully absorb a tower shot, allowing you to poke under enemy turret without taking damage.

[R] Blade of the Exile/Wind Slash
Makes your sword Fuckhueg for 15 seconds. Gives you bonus AD equal to 20% of your total AD. Can activate again to deal AoE damage in an area rougly the size of an Ashe volley. Increases the AoE size on Q+W and the range on her autoattacks slightly.'
- Damage on second activation goes up the lower the health on the target has, like how Garens ultimate works. 80/120/160 +0.6AD on a full health target, 240/360/480+1.8AD on a 25% health target.
- Obviously, her wind slash is best used as a finishing move/killing blow.
- Abuse the long range/skillshot nature to kill people who flash through walls/run into brush thinking they're safe
- The cooldown on this ult is very low. Don't be shy to use it early and often. Heck, you can even use it to kill towers.

Skill order
R>W>E>Q unless raping hard. If raping hard, R>W>Q>E.
Make sure to get a rank in QWE by level 3. The exact order depends on your opponent. I can add specific notes on most matchups if someone requests them. the rule of thumb is:
Against champions who harrass early (Gangplank, Pantheon, Kennen, Yorick...) -> E->Q->W
Against champions who have to get into melee and can't harrass (Shyvana, Irelia, Cho, Olaf) -> Q->W->E
Against ranged or things with a single early nuke (Vlad, Ryze, WW, Renek) -> E->W->Q

RIOT said that when they designed Riven, they intended her to play like a beat 'em up character. They were pretty successful in this regard. The key to making the most out of her kit is learning how to combo her abilities effectively as well as timing when you can work in an autoattack to make the most of her passive. The most common combos you'll end up using are as follows.

Q = Broken Wings
W = Ki Burst
E = Valor
R = Blade of the exile / Wind Slash
aa = Auto Attack

Level 1 facerape:
If a weak lv1 champ like cho, warwick, Malphite - heck even rumble - is dumb enough to walk up to you, this combo will easily take 75% of their max hp

The Poke
Your basic harrasment when you're not going for the kill. Also works under enemy towers. Use Valor to close and shield, hit them with your nuke, then run away using your broken wings while they are stunned. If executed correctly, you will take no damage since shield will absorb tower/minion aggro.

If you're slightly ahead (or even and they aren't stacking armor) this combo is the ideal present when someone returns to lane after a Bluepill. You trade a little autoattack damage for a greater likelyhood of landing al your abilities. This will turn that 100% hp bruiser into a 20% HP bruiser who is faced with the unpleasant choice between going back again (and losing cs), drinking all his potions (losing gold), hanging back at turret (losing cs) or tryingto lane vs a riven at low health (dying, losing cs).

Maximum Damage
The hypothetical best-case scenario. This'll kill just about anything that isn't stacking armor. Flash after them if they flash mid-combo.

The Gapcloser
Against someone who is likely to flee the second you turn aggressive (or if ganking as a jungler) this is the most effective way to get into their face and deal as much assured damage as possible.

The Teamfight Kamikaze
Try to position your flash so that Ki Burst will hit as many enemies as possible, then use broken wings to get into melee with the enemy carry. After then third Q (hopefully disrupting the entire enemy team a second time) position yourself so that you can hit everyone with wind slash, then resume attacking the squishies. You can hold on to your wind slash until a juicy target presents itself, but it is usually better to hit everyone when they're at half health or finishing off the carry asap than saving it to KS someone who tries to run.

The Singed with Tits (Also works for chasing)
Did I mention that E and Q aren't affected by slows? Between your shield and the movement speed gained from dashing you can have the enemy team chase you across the map at 10% hp without ever getting caught. This leads into:

If you're nearly dead and the enemy is chasing you into an ambush, valor back into them, stun them then use Q to keep running and give them a wind slash as a parting shot. This will probably net you 2-3 assists. Be careful doing this if the enemy has a lot of hard CC as you can be sure it's all aimed at you.

Start depends on your enemy. Either Cloth+Pots, Boots+Pots or in a few rare cases Dorans Blade.
I'd start doran's vs. Kennen, Yorick, (possibly) Irelia, Cho'gath, rumble, Ryze and Vlad
Possibly Boots+pots vs vlad, ryze, irelia, if going mid or if the enemy jungler is very scary.
Otherwise, cloth+pots is usually the way to go.

Your early goals are as follows:
2x Doran's blade -> Boots of speed -> Another Doran's or Vampiric Scepter -> BF Sword -> Bloodthirster
Obviously you're buying pots if necessary and always 1-2 wards to ward your lane.
Dorans blade helps you win the lane since the damage scales well on her and the hp+lifesteal allows her to towerdive low-hp enemies. As soon as her bloodthirster is finished her core is effectively complete and her build becomes a little more flexible.

Boots are either Merc tread (90% of the time) or Ninja Tabi (if they have very little CC or if they have a lot of AD). If your'e struggling in lane, it is fine to build ninja tabi early and trade them for merc treads late. The exact point when you upgrade your boots of speed varies -- usually around the time your enemy does so you can keep chasing them and dealing fuckhueg™ damage.

At this point there are 4 different items Riven really wants for the midgame.
- Guardian Angel: If teamfights are looming. This will allow you to kamikaze in, deal tons of damage and live to tell the tale.
- Hexdrinker -> Malmortius: If the enemy team are running double+ AP and their AD carry isn't scary.
- Phage -> Big Hammr: If the squishies keep running and you need to be sticky
- Last Whisper: If you want to do moar fuckhueg™ damage since you have no other source of armor pen save masteries.

You'll typically want 2-3 of the above items depending on your team makeup and theirs. I'd generally only go for Frozen Mallet (Big Hammr!) if the team is desperately lacking a tank. Most of the time, GA will suffice and LW/Maw of Malmortius will let you do your job better.

If the game stretches on, you should consider rounding off your build with:
- A second bloodthirster: Riven scales really, really well with AD.
- Randuin's Omen: If the enemy deals a scary amount of AD. Your kamikaze role puts you in the ideal spot to use the active
- Aegis of the Legion: If you somehow got conned into being the teams only tank (gods forbid)
- Quicksilver Sash: Very situational. But if the enemy is piling all their CC onto you this will allow you to get back to lifestealing and disrupting.

Additional laning tips

I'll add these tonight


Jan 10, 2010
Anyways, here's my guide:

How to press R and gain at least 200 elo (assuming you are 1400 or lower).

-> Pick Karthus
-> Farm
-> Don't die too much in lane
-> Have more CS than other AP carry
-> Get big damages
-> When it's teamfight time, put down big wall, put up your AoE, flash into enemy team, exhaust enemy carry, try to land as many Q's as possible on high priority targets
-> Die
-> Hit R
-> Win teamfight
-> Win game unless team too heavy


Jun 18, 2010
The Key to Phages guide is positioning so the entire enemy team is inside your AoE when you die since most bad players tend to forget he's still dealing damage while dead. Also, remember you need time to channel R and it'll get interrupted if your passive times out while you do so. The safe solution is to press R immediately when you die and then resuming lay waste afterwards. Though you may be able to do more damage if you lay waste first and defile as late as possible, as people will have less time to walk away.

I've only played Karthus once in ranked, but we won that game and I managed a triple kill after dying.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Da Crit Blitz guide

Ive played shitload of ranked games with crit Blitz during S1, bit less lately in S2. I might pick him up again, so boring supporting.

Point of this build is to instagib a squishy, be it Miss Fortune, Veigar, Sona...I wanted to find a good way of taking down fed champs. Pulling them to your team and finishing em off when their team cant help em, or even better, do it alone.
Inspired by Vman7s build the trick youre trying to do here is to proc the crit on his Power Fist with Sheen/Triforce proc.This does MASSIVE DAMAGE. Pulling a squishy and unleashing his combo is one of the most satisfying things in the game.

21/9/0 or 9/0/21 masteries
Crit marks and quints, flat mana regen blue and cdr blues

Start with mana crystal+2 hp
Tell your Ashe to pick Philo and kite the suckas so you can farm in peace. Any poke champ will do.
Build Sheen+ Boots
Start on Zeal and Glacial Shroud+boots of choice
Complete Tri-force and get Giants belt
Complete Frozen Heart and get 18% crit thing.
Build IE or Atmogs by choice(IE reccomended)
Pump yourself with red and green potions if you got the cash

Max his hook first, it does 300 damage at level 9, with a Fist Crit and ult+Ignite it will take out anyone.
Skill level up order Q-E-R-W
Fast level 11. His strongest point in the game is when he reaches level 11. If you got a good start and got Sheen, Blitz can clear a minion wave with his ult at lv 11. Flashing in the face of a carry and start beating them will get them to flash away.
Clear minions with ult and grab the champ back to continue the beating.
Blitz ult has silence and its best used to cancel other enemy ults, like Morganas, Warwicks, Malzahars etc...Flash in, ult,E and gtfo.
Care for poke champs, if you cant catch them then just back away. Let em come to you.

This type of Blitz can carry easy, after a few kills the other team will back down as soon they see you on a minimap.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
I don't know what's up anymore. I did okay when I started out but now I am just getting worse and worse, throwing game after game. My last hitting, map awareness and so on are all getting worse and I am getting terrible anger issues that just get worse every loss. I seriously get a throbbing vein on my forehead.

How do you get worse when you try so hard to get better?


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Please listen to Ulminati's advice unless you want to lose 150 elos in a day.



Jun 18, 2010
^ Gayer than Taric ^

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