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So, anyone playing League of Legends?



P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World

Cool guide bro. But you need to use caps and red letters on the part about poking and reinforce the importance of not being a pussy and trading because most Rivens really suck at that. Her entire kit is like made for trading yet they run like bitches the moment Olaf E's their face.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Some easy ranged poke is enough to ruin Rivens early game, imo. Like Teemos E. Ranged dot and she cant farm a creep without losing 200 hp. But with the current meta of lame bruisers top shes pretty good at holding her own. Gotta say shes pretty uncomfortable to play against cause of that gay stun and shield.And that neverending bunnyhopping. Irelia league fo sho.

EDIT: A minute after I typed this fucking Dyrus locked in bunny skin Riven on his stream. lol


Apr 14, 2012
I keep trying to raise interest in playing League of Legends since I've spent like 40 bucks on it, but I'll play like one game or so every few days then quit and go play Dota 2. I think it's how relatively weak and spammy the spells are, maybe. I dunno what it is that doesn't keep my interest about LoL.

Bro all you do is come in here once every couple months and make some post about how you like DotA2 better, then you leave.
You sound mad.


Jun 18, 2010
I did tell you I was stuck in GRUNKER hell Phoenix. GRUNKER hell by definition is when you get stuck with all the trolls.


Jan 10, 2010
I keep trying to raise interest in playing League of Legends since I've spent like 40 bucks on it, but I'll play like one game or so every few days then quit and go play Dota 2. I think it's how relatively weak and spammy the spells are, maybe. I dunno what it is that doesn't keep my interest about LoL.

Bro all you do is come in here once every couple months and make some post about how you like DotA2 better, then you leave.
You sound mad.

Actually, if you take the context of both of our posts, you seem much angrier, at least in my opinion. Honestly, I'm not sure what you want us to tell you, or if you're just shouting into the wind? Which is fine, just seems kind of odd.


Dec 4, 2010
I keep trying to raise interest in playing League of Legends since I've spent like 40 bucks on it, but I'll play like one game or so every few days then quit and go play Dota 2. I think it's how relatively weak and spammy the spells are, maybe. I dunno what it is that doesn't keep my interest about LoL.

Bro all you do is come in here once every couple months and make some post about how you like DotA2 better, then you leave.
You sound mad.

Stop being a faggot and tell me how long i have to wait to get invited to dota2 after filling out the survey


Jan 10, 2010
The Key to Phages guide is positioning so the entire enemy team is inside your AoE when you die since most bad players tend to forget he's still dealing damage while dead. Also, remember you need time to channel R and it'll get interrupted if your passive times out while you do so. The safe solution is to press R immediately when you die and then resuming lay waste afterwards. Though you may be able to do more damage if you lay waste first and defile as late as possible, as people will have less time to walk away.

I've only played Karthus once in ranked, but we won that game and I managed a triple kill after dying.

That's also very important. I made my guide very brief and tongue in cheek, but, if someone is genuinely curious about pursuing the path of Karthus:


-> Flash+Exhaust. I know that Phantoml0rd is an amazing player and he uses revive+teleport, but seriously, unless you're 2K elo and know you can do it, fuck that shit. You're betting everything on one teamfight with that combo, and will likely die a few times in lane due to not having flash+exhaust. Additionally you cannot flash into their team + exhaust the carry when using revive+teleport. IMO it's better to have a stronger lane phase and a stronger initial teamfight than to revive+teleport to try to clean up mid fight.


-> Always use Magic Pen marks. Always.
-> Use mana regen seals most of the time (flat is nicer for laning, but scaling could potentially win you a really close teamfight), scaling HP seals versus a bitch like leblanc or if you just need more health, and scaling AP seals if you just don't care
-> Use flat MR glpyhs or scaling AP glyphs, depends on if you expect them to land harass
-> Use flat AP quints most of the time, movespeed quints if you're afraid their skillshot combo will lead to your death, HP or MR quints vs leblanc/veigar and armor quints vs Talon


-> 21/0/9 getting as much AP as possible from offense and mana regen+buff duration in utility
-> If you're afraid their maokai/lee sin + hard CC mid is going to camp you all game, you could do 21/9/0 if you really want


-> Boots + potions almost always. I can't think of any situation that you wouldn't get this combo. Even if you're facing the dreaded leblanc/talon/whatever, if they have boots and you don't, they'll be able to land more harass on you.

Now this is where Karthus diverges. I prefer the more traditional (I think) form of building him

-> Rush a catalyst. If you're farming well you'll get it pretty early in the game and it will successfully sustain you throughout the laning phase when combined with potions.
NOTE: every time you go back, try to buy the next piece of your build AND buy enough potions to get you up to 2-3 and 1 ward.
-> After the catalyst you have an option - if you're in no particular danger, then turn the catalyst into a Rod of Ages ASAP. If you're trading a lot, taking a lot of damage, then buy a Hextech Revolver, if you need to move faster to dodge skillshots/avoid ganks, then get Sorcerer's Boots
-> Purchase the items you didn't in the last step depending on if you're safe or need more speed/sustain (sorcerer's boots, hextech or rod)
-> Do you have double AP? If yes turn your Hextech into a Will of the Ancients. If no then rush a Deathcap.

NOTE: If you are facing Veigar/Leblanc buy a Negatron cloak somewhere in there. Assuming you don't fuck up and feed them early, it will mitigate enough damage that even if you get combo'd you won't die. If you are facing Talon and he is dunking on you, then get 1 or 2 Doran's Shields (Sell them later obviously)

From here it's player's choice.

-> If you're slowly dying in teamfights, finish the Will regardless of who's on your team.
-> If you are getting instantly burst, if it's physical, get a Zhonya's Hourglass (try to have your AoE on while you're hourglassed), if it's magical burst decide on if Hourglass, Ryjal's, or QSS (Malz/Veigar)
-> If they have a lot of magic resistence, or you just want to hit them harder get Void Staff
-> If you have Double AP and your other AP isn't getting it, get Abyssal Sceptor

ALSO -> When you complete your set or you're level 16-18 (usually the latter comes first), try to always have an Elixer of Brilliance on when you're going to be fighting. I know that some people, even pros, by these earlier in the game, but I'm honestly too dumb to figure out when it's worth it, so I just wait until the end of the game:patriot:

If you're ROLLIN IN THE CASH and have nothing to spend it on, get Elixer of Fortitude and Oracle's


so I used to rush archangels. then I stopped and gained 400 elo :troll:

In all seriousness, Archangels staff is a very strong item, AP wise. Unfortunately that's all it really offers. If you're not going to suicide into them and are only going to poke them from a range with you Q, then Archangel's is fine. If I were facing someone who was massively worse than me in lane and not damaging me at all, I would consider getting an early Tear of the Goddess and eventually turning it into an AA. This rarely ever happens though.


Because when you resurrect you have very little life and will instantly die. You'll also deal markedly less damage from wasting an item slot on the GA.

I may add more later, feel free to ask questions.


Jan 10, 2010
I will experiment with running Athene's Chalice after it comes out. My gut feeling tells me that it won't be worth it on Jihad Karthus. I know that Deathfire Grasp is a very strong and underrated item, but I'm just not sure what I'd replace for it. My typical endgame build is:

Sorcerer's Boots, Rod of Ages, Rabadon's Deathcap, Will of the Ancients, Void Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass.

As you can see it's already hard enough to replace something to add in a Abyssal/Ryjal's/Archangel's Staff, let alone a DFG.


Oct 30, 2008
Uuh, how about the tried and tested Cookie Bot guide:

1. Pick Karma and Riven bot lane.
2. Riven starts with Q, Karma with ALLAHU AKBAR.
3a. If you can get a level 1 bushwhack, FIRST BLOOD.
3b. Normally you'd wait for level 3, then do a massive gap-closer burst combo Deep Strike on the enemy support (if it's super squishy like Janna or Sona) or AD (preferable).
3c. Enemy picks Tristana, you surrender at 20.
4. Maybe it hasn't been going too well so far, maybe enemy is playing safe or is poking too hard, but have no fear, once you reach level 6 they'll start melting again like it was level 1!
5. Win (or lose).



Dec 4, 2010
for the fuck of it i tried a dominion game. we won in 4 mins. fucking ridiculous


Jun 18, 2010
I will experiment with running Athene's Chalice after it comes out. My gut feeling tells me that it won't be worth it on Jihad Karthus. I know that Deathfire Grasp is a very strong and underrated item, but I'm just not sure what I'd replace for it. My typical endgame build is:

Sorcerer's Boots, Rod of Ages, Rabadon's Deathcap, Will of the Ancients, Void Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass.

As you can see it's already hard enough to replace something to add in a Abyssal/Ryjal's/Archangel's Staff, let alone a DFG.

I tried Phages Jihad Karthus in solo queue ranked yesterday.

Well, initially I left out the step where you had to die.

We were renek, karth, jungle mao, nunu ez against gangplank, jungle mundo, anivia, vayne, alistar. Nunu was bitching in champ select that Karthus is trash and he wanted mid. I remained silent. Our bot gave away first blood, then double kill to vayne. Nunu blamed ez, mao tried to make nunu chill, I remained silent and mashed Q. At level 4 mao ganked mid, we popped anivias egg. Soon as I hit 6, I walled her, Q'ed her and pressed R. Bot was still feeding. GP/Renek were both 0/0/0 but GP had twice Reneks CS. I began pushing my lane, then roaming to gank.

I went 15/2/3.

By then, Maokai was having connection problems. Ezfail and Nunu were still feeding and renekton wasn't doing much of anything. But we were 1 tower and 1 dragon ahead and the team kills were 18-11 in our favour. And that's when things began going south.

I explained to my team that I could probably Allahu akbar us to victory if they stuck close and mopped up after I went in. Sure thing boss. Nunu was still bitching though and not warding so he facechecked a bush and died. The other team made a play for baron. By the time they started it, Nunu had respawned I told my team we needed to stop it and proceeded towards baron, pinging him a few times on the minimap. Nunu/ez went to drag, renek went farming top lane. By the time they realized what was going on the enemy team almost had baron down. I flashed in trying for a steal and missed. But I managed to kill GP and Anivia, bring vayne down to ~20% health and burned through alis ultimate. Then the rest of my team finally showed up as I expired.

They all dogpiled on mundo. Vayne aced them 3v4. I /headdesked and our lead was lost. By now I had 3 people on teamspeak and another 2 people in text, all of which were spectating the game, marvelling at the incompetence of the 4 puggers I was stuck with.

I told them we could still win this if we played defensively and stuck together. I had deathcap, hourglass, rod, sorc shoes and void staff. I was a terror. So renek went to farm bot lane. Ezreal ran around solo in the jungle and got caught. Maokai stuck with me and nunu raked at the platform. That cost us a couple of turrets. Dragon came up and I decided we could contest that since a ward had spotted the other team doing their blue. I pinged it and noone came. No matter, I could solo it. But by the time it was done the enemy team was running for me. Most of my guys were nearby so I spampinged the river. I went into Allahu Akbar mode, killed vayne, popped anivias egg and did a bunch of damage by the time my team shoed up even though I died. Sadly, they all dogpiled on alistar in his ulti until he was at 20% health, then they inexplicably all switched to mundo.


We were approaching the 1hr mark, the enemy team was going for baron but we had a large wave of minions bot headed for the enemy inhibitor turret and we were all near the enemy redbuff. I told my team "Fuck baron. We can push and take nexus before they finish it". They all followed me, inhibitor turret went down, then ezreal went "OMG THEY R AT BARON! WE MUST DEFEND!" and everyone but me bluepilled.

I stood at the enemy open bot inhibitor, their nexus so tantalisingly close. And I wept.

Then 5 people with baron buff destroyed our base.

GRUNKER hell is real, man.


Jun 18, 2010
Varus champion spotlight is out. Looks like he'll be disgustingly OP. Will probably add him to my Always Ding Dong Bannu list alongside shen and shaco. The snare duration on that ult is way too long compared with his AoE slow/heal redux and the range on Q he should be able to melt people outside of retaliation range. Also looks like R spreads way too easily.


Dec 4, 2010
he just looks fucking stupid imo. his model and animations gay me out. looks pretty fun though


Jan 10, 2010
Ulm - you can't win every game, and I am fully aware that the system is no where near perfect, but I still stand by that with enough persistence there is no elo hell.

I might just flat out make a solo mid guide for Karthus, I think that if I add matchups it'd get approved.

(Spoilers: Karthus matchups are that you lose against every other AP in lane, then win later)


Jul 4, 2011
Varus looks fun. I wonder how well he scales, as he seems to be inspired by Ashe in terms of AD with utility.


Jun 18, 2010
Phage -- I know. I seem to do consistently well with Karthus. But as Undead Phoenix, Stereotypical Villain, Deadly Mongoose (BritBRO), Pranek (BritBRO), 1394 (Who I play ranked with on NA occasionally, Rigimortis (BritBRO) and a few others have commented after spectating/duo queuing with me: I am jinxed. I really do attract obscene amounts of trolls, even in games where I say nothing and pick whatever role noone else wants.

Juul He does look at bit like ashe, except they made the CC on her ultimate AoE, upped her damage with the corruption steroid, gave her a healing reduction (I imagine that AoE will fuck a lot of people over in teamfights) and switched her cone poke for a line poke with longer range. Varus is power creep if I ever saw it. I suppose it's possible they'll give him shittastic base attack speed and damage but I doubt it and it won't hold him back lategame. Also, unless phreak neglected to mention it, his Q deals full damage to all units it passes through unlike comparative abilities like Piltover Peacemaker and Boomerang Blade.
Apr 18, 2009
Nope, you're not jinxed. I get the same brand of idiots in every single fucking game I play. I believe it has something to do with all of the kiddies going on their summer vacation and the practice of sniffing glue.

Also, unless phreak neglected to mention it, his Q deals full damage to all units it passes through unlike comparative abilities like Piltover Peacemaker and Boomerang Blade.

It's supposed to work like the Peacemaker though, so methinks that's a bug.
Apr 18, 2009
From the wiki:

(Second Cast): Varus fires, dealing physical damage, reduced by 15% per enemy hit (minimum 33%).

I seriously doubt that they would buff that ability just moments before he was released.


Jun 18, 2010
Phreakypoo neglected to mention that in the champ spotlight. Ah well, still looks broken as fuck. The way chain of corruption chains, with the fairly generous distance it can spread, it looks like tagging the entire enemy team with snare + slow + healing reduction in a teamfight will be trivial.


Jun 18, 2010
Shame you can't link youtube videos inside LoL.

You: "Ok"

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