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So, anyone playing League of Legends?



Jun 18, 2010

Your skins are inferior!


Why'd Master Yi get a new look?

Master Yi was one of the first League of Legends champions ever created. Back then the game had a less established artistic identity. We've learned a lot over the years, but we also thought it was important to preserve his core look and feel as a part of LoL history. The differences are subtle, but when you check out the new Yi you'll notice his proportions are more in line with his fellow champs, his animations are more polished and he has some sweet new acrobatic moves on Alpha Strike, Double Strike and Highlander.

Why does Yi need a design update?

Most of AD Yi's power comes from his basic attack combined with the steroid effects on Wuju Style, Highlander and Double Strike. Without AP, there's almost no incentive to master your active skills – Meditate's not a very effective disengage and Alpha Strike can actually make you lose DPS since you could be attacking during the cast animation. By contrast, AP Yi requires careful management of Alpha Strike, Meditate and Wuju Style to maximize damage and survivability, but doesn't do a whole lot with his basic attack until he gets Lich Bane.

While both these playstyles are interesting in their own right, they don't necessarily have to be mutually exclusive, and there's probably a unified design that offers the best of both. Moreover, while AP Yi's a rather compelling late game fighter, he's extremely frustrating to face in lane, so scaling back Alpha Strike and Meditate was a necessary part of the update.

What's happening to AP Yi?

While straight AP probably won't remain a prominent build, AP Yi players will find many of the familiar elements of their playstyle intact. While Alpha Strike and Meditate are scaled back so they're less overwhelming in lane, carefully managing your active abilities will play an important role in staying alive and maximizing your DPS. You'll also have the added power of AD Yi's basic attack to make up for your less devastating Alpha Strikes.

How's the new Master Yi play?

We imagine the updated Master Yi will work well in both mid lane and the jungle. We definitely want to skew his itemization away from the typical tank-heavy fighter builds. The updated kit rewards glass cannon DPS builds that rely on disengaging with Alpha Strike and Meditate to stay alive. Most of his power still comes though items rather than natural scaling through levels. Overall, Master Yi players should have more strategic options, and more incentive to master his full kit to fight effectively.


Jun 18, 2010
Last game:

5 enemies at dragon. Blitz pulls me into pit. I smitesteal and use Vault breaker to escape.
4 enemies at dragon. I vault breaker through wall, smitesteal and flash out
Lee soloing dragon while his team pushes top. I combo. Kill lee, then kill drag.
Enemy team doing baron. I vault breaker into range, smitesteal it and get killed.

At this point, enemy Lee Sin ragequits.

(m) ^__^ (m)
Jun 27, 2010
Looks great, it's about time Yi got a visual update. Now hopefully he's not super dwarfed by every other model anymore.

Who's left that really needs a remake next? Sion still has the giant trashcan feet and muddy textures and Mundo would probably do well with an update as well.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Thresh is, together with Lulu, yhe most fun support in my opinion. I carried that scrub Markman with the thresher in two games earlier today, in the second game only my ADC had more gold than me at the end. :M

I might need moar of that help, lawl. Now Im getting +3 LP per win, after like a month in Silver 1 Im at 28 points right now.

Theres some magic going on in the matchmaking, I got platinum and bronze players in the same game. So it makes the game a bit unbalanced where those 1900 elo players make 1100 elo like total noobs. Theres no better feeling than seeing enemy Zed or Vlad at 5/0 with 250 cs at 20 minute mark.


Jun 5, 2011
Goddamn Nocturne is the BEST, he's so much fun. 14-5-12, more cs than anyone on their team, 2nd highest cs in game, highest gold in game.

Game starts harmless enough, we steal Fiddlestick's red. A few minutes later as I'm about to gank mid he shows up trying to steal my red, he dies. From then on his jungle is my jungle, I basically take every single one of his red buffs except one. So first base, we get our shitty items and back to farming? Naah, we have to save bot lane that's getting their shit pushed in by Vayne. I walk over a ward, casually pop my W, stop the condemn and kill support Elise. Oh hey it's already time for red buff steal #2, I get an early lvl 6, immediately transition and ult Diamond Lee Sin that is so surprised he rages in all chat. Ult comes up again, Lee Sin dies again. So finally 14 minutes into the game, Fiddlesticks is lvl 6 and starts making plays. My mid dies and this Fiddlesticks thinks he can steal my red again, given he's had none so far. Unfortunately I happened to be waiting for him the whole time and kill him easily, then kill their mid, then tower and then dragon. 4-0-2 and 100 cs in 15 minutes, the most effortless thing ever.

From then on the game turns into me ulting whomever I want dead and them dying. It's so much fun seeing Elise, Lee Sin, Fiddlesticks and Kennen use all their cc to desperately get you off of them and you still kill them. He's like a jungler and loves to 1 v 1, my thought patterns were boiled down to "fuck it, I'll just try to 1 v 1 this person". To demonstrate, I die for the first time like a moron in a 2 v 4 and then I see Lee Sin with my double buffs a bit later. I ult him despite it being a 1 v 2 and no real objectives to be gained, kill him and the other one runs way. Got my double buffs back, worth. The whole game was just me trying to fight each of them, such a weird playstyle and so awesome.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Dat Skarner :D


I always get a win streak when I roll with a junger you dont see often on Summoners Rift. Warwick fits here too with Trundle. I got 13w-6l with WW, 9w-4l with the troll. Last 18 games as jungler 14w-4l if Im to believe lolking.
That lost game was a game that went far too long and our ryze went crazy for 3 last teamfights. He had a fantastic early game and when hes supposed to be strongest he got himself instapwned like a total noob.

Oh, and why is Lux still in every game? I cant remember a game that didnt have Lux in it. moar like Flavor of the Year lol


Jun 18, 2010


Sound works. Graphics work. Max detail, 60 fps.

Took a lot of mucking about in Wine, but now I won't need to reboot into Windows to get my LoL fix anymore :incline:


Jun 18, 2010
RIOT is using some unholy amalgamation of .NET, Internet Explorer, Adobe Air, Shockwave and what have you. They didn't design the game with porting in mind - and frankly I doubt they thought it'd get as popular as it got.

Either way, WINE runs it sort-of-'k. There are some issues with it still, but it's mostly playable.
- Store doesn't work. Because their store is written in bad HTML and displayed by internet explorer (I wish I was kidding).
- Some items in the item shop (about 20-25% of them) are missing images. Instead they have a red square. Once you buy the item, it shows up correctly in your inventory.
- Borderless windowed mode has problems with the mouse cursor when it's near the edges at times. Sometimes it isn't correctly stopped by the window edge, causing you to lose focus from the program if you click while scrolling.
- Reconnecting to a game after a DC is very hit-and-miss. But the same is the case in Windows, so I'm not sure it's WINE or Linux causing it.
Dec 19, 2007
Wow, jungle Nunu sure gained a lot of popularity lately. So they all thus far go tb - or, so I just do the same and none have bothered to crap up my entire jungle thus far.

FOTM Nunu, not impressed.

Tried Yorick vs. Rumble. He had 80cs in the end and said something like "it's like I'm a mouse and Yorick is a cat slapping me". I didn't even do anything most of the time except CS and cast the odd ghoul. 1v2 double kills are fun though, Yorick becomes such a bitch when he's ahead and you have to melee him.


Jun 5, 2011
I linked this guy a while ago back when he was making Volibear videos, no one believed in me. Kinda sad how quickly jungle Nunu is getting nerfed after the video came out, the babies don't want to get counter jungled.

Meh, I moved on to other junglers, these days I'm all about the Triforce Zac. It's very viable when your Vayne is 17-2.

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