So pick Darius despite everybody calling top or mid, feed two kills because apparently I'm completely blind and get ganked by Lee Sin, then another because I forget to drink a potion. Well, what do you expect, report darius, ignore everybody on my team (and later everybody on their team because they were really retarded and annoying). Then Lee decides he's a real boss now and tries to duel me and even while he loses half his health he's still not running away, dunked, yay gold for Darius. I built Flask Tabis 2x Doran's thus far, I'm ahead in CS to Jax because he figures he should carry the team and roams only to feed Vladimir and he doesn't have kills, the retard Lee has them all. When he comes back I have also Hexdrinker to his random crap items (he went Scepter and started rushing Triforce starting with Sheen), so I kill him under his tower, then I kill their tower, then when I'm back Vayne thinks she's the hot stuff now and tries to duel me, I use Decimate and my pull when she's stealthed, then soon after in all chat "wtf 600 true damage?" (yes, a Vayne lost to a Darius... right next to a tower where she could easily have retreated). At this point I have more farm than our ADC (I bought Randuins Zekes, in hindsight I shouldn't have got Zekes at all but whatever it's damage and CDR in an easy to build package), but he seems otherwise competent, well more so than theirs as our Vladimir so I just bodyguard for them. Soon they lose all towers. Everybody still ignored, assholes dared question my basketball skills.