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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Malph es #1 jungler. :salute: Xin comes close but still not as fast as Malphie.

Was thinking of trying to jungle with some AP champs besides Nunu, but cant think of a good rune build yet. Grag would be a good jungler imo, some attack speed and armor runes but losing his AP buildup and manaregen runes in return. Will try this week. In ranked. Trolololo


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
If we focus real damage dealing to laners and just bring the confusion and some cc and damage from jungle it could be enough. Grag pretty much only need a few doran rings and RoA to get a bit tanky and late game he can farm for deathcap/rylais. Dude got AoE damage to clear camps and a damage steroid for autoattacking. I can see him very strong up to late game. After that someone else needs to take over damage whooping. Those 2 AD/AP carrys we have in the team. Could work. Ive seen Clg snoopen going jungle Khartus and saintvicious playing jungle Janna so its not impossible.


Jan 10, 2010
Malph es #1 jungler. :salute: Xin comes close but still not as fast as Malphie.

Was thinking of trying to jungle with some AP champs besides Nunu, but cant think of a good rune build yet. Grag would be a good jungler imo, some attack speed and armor runes but losing his AP buildup and manaregen runes in return. Will try this week. In ranked. Trolololo

what am I even reading?

Malphite is good but he's not number 1 by any stretch of the imagination. He's also, factually, not the fastest jungler in the game. Xin is a pretty mediocre pick all things considered.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
You know which champs suck in the jungle? Champs that need farm.

...and Leona. Ever tried jungling with her with the new masteries and jungle? Yeah it's still fucking horrible and she could use some buffs to make her jungle better. So far she is at best a gimmicky kill-lane bot support.

Malph is indeed a fast jungler, skarner is faster I think for the same reason Malph is fast, spamable AoE. But they're nerfing skarner soon IIRC, chainslow too strong etc.

On the subject of Nunu I had a game yesterday when our solo top nunu carried us. It was a derpy normal match and the enemy had no jungler so nunu went top against a duolane lux+cait (talk about a nightmare poke lane). He just ignored them and ate minions under tower :smug:. I was jungling WW. Basically every team fight looked like this I ult viktor/cait/lux/kayle/whoever is too stupid to know not to get close (and isn't their lane amumu), nunu rushes in and ults and our carries kill them. Worst case scenario only nunu and graves survive but Nunu proceeds to ace them. The fact that their amumu was never around derping in the jungle or pushing a lane helped. You expect as much from free week amumu's in normals.

I need to start playing ranked again and climb above 1450 but I guess I'll once again have a losing streak of 5+ games because while I get fed as vayne 10 kills in 20 minutes off idiot alistar+ez on bot our solo top and mid feed their lane opponents and some obnoxious jungler like Udyr. Really there should be something like +5 elo in soloqueue if you are fed as fuck but still lose because of morons. That way the bads would sink lower but they wouldn't drag you down with them. Also they should stop assigning people that are not even rated yet to my teams when I'm in the 1200-1400 range, morons who have no supports or a decent pool of champs for their preferred role in case of ban/pick ruin most games. Those that are not ruined by afkers, leavers and people on 56k not connecting.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
How would that work for those who main as support, or junglers for that matter? You might be doing everything right, but if the rest of the team push like mad and then feed, you will be shit out of luck.

As for jungle Malphite, I need to try that sometime, sounds like it could be really good actually.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
How would that work for those who main as support, or junglers for that matter? You might be doing everything right, but if the rest of the team push like mad and then feed, you will be shit out of luck.

As for jungle Malphite, I need to try that sometime, sounds like it could be really good actually.

It's pretty fun! I used to main Malphite, but he can't lane for shit. So when they buffed his jungle I was glad. Still not really liking him as far as tiers go, but he's fun to play.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
I was watching theoddone's stream yesterday when he was playing jungling Shen, and I wanted to punch him over the internet for his derping.

Dumbfuck is building nothing but hp, then gets raepd by Vayne, wonders how that might have happened and keeps yelling "OMG SHEN YOU'RE USELESS I HATE YOU SO MUCH". Jesus Christ.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
I was watching theoddone's stream yesterday when he was playing jungling Shen, and I wanted to punch him over the internet for his derping.

Dumbfuck is building nothing but hp, then gets raepd by Vayne, wonders how that might have happened and keeps yelling "OMG SHEN YOU'RE USELESS I HATE YOU SO MUCH". Jesus Christ.

Pretty sterling example of why you shouldn't always listen to the pros.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
I was watching theoddone's stream yesterday when he was playing jungling Shen, and I wanted to punch him over the internet for his derping.

Dumbfuck is building nothing but hp, then gets raepd by Vayne, wonders how that might have happened and keeps yelling "OMG SHEN YOU'RE USELESS I HATE YOU SO MUCH". Jesus Christ.

Pretty sterling example of why you shouldn't always listen to the pros.

Yeah just like Elementz is the last person to notice how certain champs are strong. For example his reasoning as to why Mordekaiser was so low on his tier list but then suddenly was placed higher was "I played him earlier and didn't like him, but I played him again and realized he can push like a boss and is a real nightmare to lane against".


Oct 30, 2008
Dunno why people bother with his lists tbh. Apart from Crit strike, LoL is a deterministic game, so a true tier list should be entirely mathematical and based on each champ's stats and ability numbers, not on a single guy's preference and experience.
Dec 31, 2009
Herp derp reject, how do you mathematically assign value to a skillshot? Zoning? Positioning? Team synergy? Composition? Strategy?Feel free to show which stat should mathematically matter.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Malph es #1 jungler. :salute: Xin comes close but still not as fast as Malphie.

Was thinking of trying to jungle with some AP champs besides Nunu, but cant think of a good rune build yet. Grag would be a good jungler imo, some attack speed and armor runes but losing his AP buildup and manaregen runes in return. Will try this week. In ranked. Trolololo

what am I even reading?

Malphite is good but he's not number 1 by any stretch of the imagination. He's also, factually, not the fastest jungler in the game. Xin is a pretty mediocre pick all things considered.
Feel free to contribute with your own choices. Responding like this is retarded.
To clarify a bit, jungling with Malph or Xin is easy. So easy that youre always full health early game in jungle and have no troubles getting blue or red in a few seconds. I do red with Malph at level 2 without using Smite. 1 or 2 pots and almost full health when done. Not alot of champs can do that. Warwick is also easy to jungle with but nowhere as fast.


Jan 10, 2010
Malph es #1 jungler. :salute: Xin comes close but still not as fast as Malphie.

Was thinking of trying to jungle with some AP champs besides Nunu, but cant think of a good rune build yet. Grag would be a good jungler imo, some attack speed and armor runes but losing his AP buildup and manaregen runes in return. Will try this week. In ranked. Trolololo

what am I even reading?

Malphite is good but he's not number 1 by any stretch of the imagination. He's also, factually, not the fastest jungler in the game. Xin is a pretty mediocre pick all things considered.
Feel free to contribute with your own choices. Responding like this is retarded.
To clarify a bit, jungling with Malph or Xin is easy. So easy that youre always full health early game in jungle and have no troubles getting blue or red in a few seconds. I do red with Malph at level 2 without using Smite. 1 or 2 pots and almost full health when done. Not alot of champs can do that. Warwick is also easy to jungle with but nowhere as fast.

You said that "Malphite is the fastest jungler in the game. Fact." Here are some numbers from Stonewall's videos, which is documented proof of jungling speeds

Malphite Clear time - 3:40-3:55 (depends on how many tank stats you sacrifice for speed)
Xin Zhao (your other mentioned jungler) - 3:45

Maokai - 3:25
Mordekaiser - 3:25
Malzahar - 3:25
Olaf - 3:25
Karthus - 3:30
Cassiopeia - 3:30
Udyr Phoenix - 3:30
Udyr Tiger - 3:40
Cho' Gath - 3:40
Kayle - 3:40
Riven - 3:40
Skarner - 3:40
Ezreal - 3:40
Sivir - 3:45
Rammus - 3:50
Amumu - 3:55

I know for a fact Shyvana is very fast too, but he doesn't have a specific clear time for her.

Shaco can also have both buffs by around the 2:00 by boxing red and having blue leashed as he runs over.
Lee Sin and Jarvan should also be mentioned as having extremely potent level 2 ganks. (Which Malph and Xin do not)

It's also important to point out that some of these junglers have much more potent ganks and teamfight utility than Xin or Malphite. (Maoaki, Udyr, Riven, Amumu Skarner and Rammus come to mind)

(Also should be mentioned that Stonewall hasn't finished his series of videos for Season 2's jungle, so I'm sure there are even more champs that will fall onto that list speed wise. Plus the upcoming champ looks like she maybe pretty fast too.)


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Well, Stonewall jungles wrong. lol. I do red at the same time Smite refreshes, so it should be 3.15-3.30 in my case. I'll look next time.
Its fun how you always pick some shit from googling and never offer your own opinion. Its always what some other dude wrote on the internet.
Ive been jungling with alot of champs too and out of all those Malph seems most efficient. Both in speed and tankyness. With other champs I usually have to blue pill after red.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Phage, it's funny how you always try to present facts instead of just throwing out random guesses like the rest of us

Yeah, we've been hearing ya for 87 pages now.

Do a vid with a faster jungle-time on Malph and both me and Phage will be like "oh shit, you're right." Right now, however, someone has proven his times, and you're just talking.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Vayne is getting nerfed but at least so is graves. Surprisingly they did not touch her W. Riven nerf is a slap on the wrist, grab w for stun max q first damage output doesn't change much (except that you need 3 full hits and can't just use q to get away). Skarner's Q got it's mana costs returned to almost his pre-buff levels (first 3 ranks are same as they were on release, last 2 are only 2 mana lower). I can understand the slow nerf but the mana will kill his damage, good luck doing crap when you donate blue late game and run out of mana fast. Good thing I bought Lee Sin, better grab that jax and see how he jungles now. They buff volibear but nerf his health scaling on W again lol.

Shaco box , ahri and derpamere nerfs - expected. Mundo buff - unexpected but mundo gets buffed when he pleases. No shen buffs - disapointing as fuck.


Jan 10, 2010
Well, Stonewall jungles wrong. lol. I do red at the same time Smite refreshes, so it should be 3.15-3.30 in my case. I'll look next time.
Its fun how you always pick some shit from googling and never offer your own opinion. Its always what some other dude wrote on the internet.
Ive been jungling with alot of champs too and out of all those Malph seems most efficient. Both in speed and tankyness. With other champs I usually have to blue pill after red.

Do I trust the guy who is literally paid through ad revenue to make videos showing jungle routes and jungle tutorials, and has documented the clear times of all of these champions, or do I listen to someone who's upset that I dug up factual proof to dispute a claim that Malphite is the fastest jungler in the game?

Nobody is saying Malphite is bad. We're just telling you that he isn't the fastest, nor best jungler in the game. Malphite in particular is a good pick versus certain teams. There are simply picks that offer more overall (either through ganking or utility or both), or are "safer" bets - examples including (and not limited to) - Skarner, Udyr, Shaco, Rammus, Amumu, Lee Sin, and Maoaki. IMO he is simply a bit below those guys, putting him on par with the likes of Gangplank, Nocturne, and Jarvan. They are all good picks, but you can't just say one is the best when those listed above have stronger ganks and more utility...


Jan 10, 2010
Oh, they just nerfed skarner big time. He's definitely not top dog anymore. Guess that helps out Malphite's case a bit.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Just measured it. Goddamnit. Took a screenshot and all i got was a black screen. Next time I'll take it with F12 insted of printscreen.
Blue at 1.55-wolves-wraiths-Red lizard dead at 3.18 and had 3 seconds left till Smite. Note that I could even hurry it up by not waiting for Malphs passive to come up.Or doing the wolves first.
2 pots used, about 80-90% health left. Armor/attackspeed/ArmPen/mrperlv runes, 9/21/0 masteries.
Hes fast.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
As I said, I have a certain nostalgic love more Malphite, so I'd love to play him more. I'm still unhappy with his kit though, especially since they nerfed Q which was sort of his reason for existing (beyond his ult of course).

Phage: I wouldn't put Noc down there... Noc is a special case and we can debate it at length I suppose but in general I'd say he's much better than GP or Jarvan in the jungle, but for a set of very specific reasons.
Dec 31, 2009
Splash and Loading Screen Updates
  • Classic Alistar
  • Classic Fiddlesticks
  • Classic Galio
  • Classic Janna (minor artifact fixes)
  • Classic Malzahar

  • No... No... NOOOOOO! Are you telling me that the shitty Chinese "art" is replacing the old and good one?

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
No... No... NOOOOOO! Are you telling me that the shitty Chinese "art" is replacing the old and good one?

Also, fucking this. I saw the new Malzahar portrait in the Sejewani spotlight and was like 'DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM'. Ffs.

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