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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
FB went to sivir and the other kill to trynd. Major fuck up on M5's part.

Also AD kennen bot. This should be entertaining.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Yeah, but TSM didnt really improve their game, it felt more as if M5 were too over confident, they gave away 2 kills in a fail invade attempt and just continued doing questionable things, kept making mistakes, and TSM capitlized on it.
This is true.

m5 apparently only lost that one game in the entire tourney. GG WP indeed.

Sordid Jester

May 15, 2011
It was decided the moment Rain Man picked Irelia. Absolutely brainless move, especially after how heavily they outclassed M5 in the second match.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Picking Irelia was a dumb move, but damn those Russians are amazing. Extremely aggressive play, excellent (counter-)warding and total map control. Don't generally enjoy watching live streams, but they were fun to watch.


Sep 24, 2008
I like how they dealt with aggresive ganking junglers by clearing all of the opponent's jungle. :lol:


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
The new "meta" = counter jungle galore. IMO, some really good tactics use by M5 by using no-mana champs, invading jungle and denying other team buffs. Always agressive, always something going on.
TSM got stuck in picking "high tier" champs and got outplayed. More thinking "outside the box" was needed. Why didnt they picked Nunu or Trundle or even Shaco to troll their jungler? And why the fuck is Irelia FotM? Ruin her early game and deny her early Trinity and shes more like a bystander. Got owned by Shyvana. Come on.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
That Darien of M5 was one of the best players I've seen. The way he controlled the enemy jungle was very impressive. Of course, all the players in the final are very good, but the one who stood out for me were Darien and Alex of M5. Of course going AD Kennen and doing great with him was also very cool.

EDIT: Also, Ionian Spark on Udyr, y/n? Tried it in a game earlier today and it seems like a good match for him since it gives him attack speed, health and AoE magic damage. Faster jungle clears and more damage in team fights. Will try more, maybe as a substitute for Wit's End.
Dec 31, 2009
Impressions of reworked jungle jax:

Cool, but no reason to pick him over lee sin.

I build jungle jax with armor + pots, then wriggles then phage. Recently I have tried skipping wriggles altogether and going directly for phage, with just a vamp scepter for sustain. It works... kinda ok, I think. Late game I usually do one of the following, depending on how hard it is to stay alive: If I can afford going full on deeps, I get a wits end first; if not I upgrade into mallet, then eventually get the atmas.

The stun is more reliable now and it is generally not hard to use it in a gank, but the duration is so small and the cooldown so long that you can't count on using it twice, so the ganks are kinda mediocre. You are dependent upon red and usually popping your ghost. This, of course, is why I get phage.

Also jax's pre-lvl 6 jungle is not superb so you can't get ganks all that often.

Mid game Jax can have a really high sustained dmg output, but is not altogether hard to focus down. I usually deal a decent chunk of damage then die, and then hope for my teammates to pick up the remaining kills. In small scale skirmishes jax is more than up to the task of jumping on an AD carry and sit on her till she either dies or runs in panic (usually the last). A couple games where the entire team snowballed I did very well with him, but in relatively equal fights its fairly hard to be of good use.

When it comes to the kit, it's mostly a matter of "lee sin did it better" as well. Lee sin has better CC in the E and ult, better jump with his Q and W, and a (mostly) better AS passive. He has less of a sustained damage output but really, how many times in this game do you just stand straight up and exchange blows? Almost never, that's when. Especially not when ganking - that's when one side just runs like a motherfucker and the other is happy to get in the odd hit.

tl;dr: Pick Lee Sin instead.


Oct 12, 2006
Wow the derp of elo hell, just won a ranked without an ap or a jungler on our the team, and a feeding mundo (he said it was his first game in 3 months). Cant belive it, I was ready to surrender at the champ select.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
I was with Sivir 16/4/12 and yet managed to lose against a team with an Evelynn trollpick because my team was retarded, the wonders of Elo hell.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Query: What do you do when the Riven on your team has just DC'd and you are 4v5?

Answer: You go baron!!!!!

Query 2: What do you do when you get CV'd and see the whole team approaching?

Answer: Stick around, get aced and lose the game!!!!! Then whine on /all about your shitty team that didn't take baron and failed to engage in propa teamfights when it was at a disadvantage 24/7 (both outnumbered and outbaroned).

Elo Hell? Fuck your elo hell, 1650 is where the fun is at.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
This morning our Kassadin got owned so bad by Tryndamere mid, our Kayle top got owned by Mundo, and our suprise lane Sion+Soraka fed like hell, like 0-7 in first 15 minutes. 3-23 at 20 minutes. /surrender
the wonders of elo hell

Oh, I was thinking of trolling a bit with Mundo in jungle. Used to build him with armor/crit chance/hp but I think my current jungle page I use for Trundle/Malph could work. That cleaver is one of the most annoying things in the game.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
I saw FYA Umashi jungle mundo on his stream. It was hilarious but he got trolled when he was chasing down the enemy sona. She was almost dead, baited him to dive and she used her ult+heal. He still chased her, she ran away with barely any health outside the towers range but kept attacking with auto-attacks, Umashi missed a cleaver which would have killed her and she finished him off with an auto-attack.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Und hallo, Kodex. As you may remember, I posted a cleverly retarded Shen build a while ago, but now I'm a bit stuck in a rut, as I'm constantly trying to improve it, and I could use advice.

The build was trying to capitalize on all of Shen's strengths/abilities, sort of, and included Boots of Choice, Randuin's Omen, Triforce, Stark's Fervour, Abyssal Sceptre, Rylai's. This is supposed to give Battleshen very good all around capabilities, from defence, through support to offence, and try to counter the 'zomg shen is worthless late game' mantra that people always chant.

As you may notice, it's expensive as fuck. There are two elements inside that are a bit iffy and I was thinking about adjusting. About one I'm fairly certain, about the other not so much.

The one that I think needs changing is Stark's Fervour. For 2550 geld, you get +20% AS, and everyone around (including you) gets +20% AS, 20% lifestealin', 30 hp5, while enemies get -20 armour.

Stark's Fervour is supposed to give battleshen massive +++AS and lifesteal, plus make him a general annoyance for giving that to your allies, while lowering the enemies armour. But not really everyone profits from this. I've been contemplating two alternatives, and I dunno which one is optimal or whether they are actually better. One is wit's end, for the +++++mres, the other malady, for the +AP and mres debuff. Malady also happens to be cheaper. Wit's End would obviously win in situations where the enemy packs a fuckton of magic damage 'cause merc treads + abyssal sceptre are not quite enough. But I dunno which of the three items would be optimal in 'balanced' set ups.

The second item that could use a tweak is Triforce. The thing with Triforce is that it gives Shen just about EVERYTHING he needs, and complements every other item in this build a lot - health, movement speed, ability power, combat stuff, constant burst thanks to how spammy most of his shit is. But here's the thing: it costs a fuckton. Four fucking thousand geld. But I really can't think of anything that would be a good replacement for it, maybe some good theorycrafter can help?


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
While that looks like fun troll Mundo guide I was thinking of going some in your face bruiser style. Hp stack with lifesteal plus I'll start with 18% attack speed.
So boots+3hp or regrowth pendant, cant decide.
Next red crystal+vampiric scepter.
Build into Phage and Emblems Valor and 'zerkers.
Start Spirit Visage and Frozen Hammer
Then Atmas and Starks.
Warmogs? Dunno. Zeal? Maybe.Trinity? Could be waste of money. Rylais? Good late game item.
Thing is that Mundos abilities cost shitload of health at higher levels and not stacking hp items is not viable for him. Something that he cant be without is hp items and solid health regen.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Und hallo, Kodex. As you may remember, I posted a cleverly retarded Shen build a while ago, but now I'm a bit stuck in a rut, as I'm constantly trying to improve it, and I could use advice.

The build was trying to capitalize on all of Shen's strengths/abilities, sort of, and included Boots of Choice, Randuin's Omen, Triforce, Stark's Fervour, Abyssal Sceptre, Rylai's. This is supposed to give Battleshen very good all around capabilities, from defence, through support to offence, and try to counter the 'zomg shen is worthless late game' mantra that people always chant.

As you may notice, it's expensive as fuck. There are two elements inside that are a bit iffy and I was thinking about adjusting. About one I'm fairly certain, about the other not so much.

The one that I think needs changing is Stark's Fervour. For 2550 geld, you get +20% AS, and everyone around (including you) gets +20% AS, 20% lifestealin', 30 hp5, while enemies get -20 armour.

Stark's Fervour is supposed to give battleshen massive +++AS and lifesteal, plus make him a general annoyance for giving that to your allies, while lowering the enemies armour. But not really everyone profits from this. I've been contemplating two alternatives, and I dunno which one is optimal or whether they are actually better. One is wit's end, for the +++++mres, the other malady, for the +AP and mres debuff. Malady also happens to be cheaper. Wit's End would obviously win in situations where the enemy packs a fuckton of magic damage 'cause merc treads + abyssal sceptre are not quite enough. But I dunno which of the three items would be optimal in 'balanced' set ups.

The second item that could use a tweak is Triforce. The thing with Triforce is that it gives Shen just about EVERYTHING he needs, and complements every other item in this build a lot - health, movement speed, ability power, combat stuff, constant burst thanks to how spammy most of his shit is. But here's the thing: it costs a fuckton. Four fucking thousand geld. But I really can't think of anything that would be a good replacement for it, maybe some good theorycrafter can help?
How much money can you really farm?
When I build my champs I usually focus on where theyre strongest at the time. Some items that complement their early abilities and can be evolved over to the late game.
Like Phage
Good game : Build trinity
Bad game : Build Frozen Hammer

Have you tried playing with other item combos? Like Phage+Wits end? Hexdrinker+Brutilizer? Phage-Sheen?
Id focus on a bit hp stack early on and as much autoattack damage as possible and then build everything else.

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