I agree with everything except the close-ups. Always found them charming since they add to the party charm. I also found it interesting to see the locations from ground level. The biggest sin with Solasta in my opinion (that lasts through all the DLCs) is the god damn random encounters. They slow the pacing to a crawl and also give you way too much XP. I was hoping the latest DLC would get rid of them, but alas.
Legit I don't know what they were thinking if anyone there actually GM's 5E or any of the other editions.
If all your random encounters are always just combat it's going to wear down the players and make them find traveling tedious.
You need to discoverable locations, non-combat social encounters, to keep random encounters spicy. Like Kingmakers goblins with the throne or that guy on the road talking cryptically.
Better example in video game format Storm of Zehir's overworld map.