Seen that too, last time the Dm limited the number of cantrips by day, then he nerfed the wizard familiar , the guy left like so many before and it end up .Also wanted to include injuries etc, you get the idea and he was a miser DM to boot... That was one year ago, he's not dming anymore and he has not found a group since a year. Too many shitty homewbrewers who dont know their limits dont understand the mechanisms and think they can overrule months of playtesting just like that, and lets not get started int he bland campaign and plots . Extremely hard to find a good one and why i am now permadming, no one wants to do it and when they do its most often terrible . People tell me i am the best by far, but its not that much of a feat nowadays.
Absolutely. I have been told that I am quite good aswell, but sadly I have problems scheduling games nowadays because my work demands irregular schedules.
95% of the 5e rulework is rock solid, and if you think it does not work you are merely applying it wrong.
There are some touch ups on which I like to work, specifically more engaging traps and camping/travel rules and better magic items and loot, but in general you should never have your rules be more harsh than the default 5e book rules.
I experimented with carry weight, wounds/injuries and harsher resting years ago for more survival themed campaigns, and truth to be told that just doesn't fit into DnD anymore. I play (or master) DSA for that.