Hey there folk!
Dropping by in this fine Monday morning. It's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and coronavirus is still out there so I guess we can't really enjoy any of that. So let's do a little round!
> Can you ignite flamables with fire spells
> Are you going to replace 3d portraits with drawings?
No, there are two main reasons for that:
- Drawing 2D portraits for every character takes a lot of time, and implies that you're going to do the same for items and such as well (otherwise your art direction isn't really coherent anymore).
- It means that some characters will definitely look different in their portrait and in the actual game (3D model), because you can't have a portrait ready for every single random NPC you're going to encounter.
This is not to say that we don't understand where your question comes from, I know a lot of RPG fans very much like the feel of 2D portraits. Considering we're only 15 in the company, we have to choose our battles - and this one is not one we're willing to take.
> No Paladin in demo?
No, the demo only has 4 classes: Rogue, Cleric, Wizard & Fighter. At launch, the game will also feature Paladin & Ranger, with Sorcerer coming soon after in a free DLC (so 7 classes announced in total for now).
> Monk?
Probably not
> Trying to challenge BG3?
Hahahahahahahahaha nope. We're not even 1/10th of their team's size, and I don't even want to imagine their budget. Nah, we're creating a Tactical RPG based on D&D 5e, and we've been at it for two years before BG3 was even announced. And we believe BG3 being here is even a good thing, since it reignited the interest in cRPGs of a much larger crowd than the traditional cRPG fans, so that means more people might find out about Solasta as well
> Game was too easy
Haven't heard that before, so many players complained about the Spider fight being impossible or even stupid. To be fair, not everyone is familiar with the ruleset, and RNG can screw you pretty hard (every character being one crit away from being downed). Funny thing is, the fight was much, MUCH harder when it was first designed (you were not supposed to be able to win, you could only run away) - but we've had some non-hardcore DnD players test it and reduced the difficulty (and even then people complained). Spiders' ranged attack used to immobilize you (webs), more would spawn every round, they would follow you by crawling below the floor as well (which was creepy as hell but bugged, so they ended up just chilling there trying to attack you through the floor but not being able to).
> UI looks horrible
Well, UI is always a question of taste. There's a reason so many of the top mods on Nexusmods are UI mods, some prefer functionality, others prefer looks, others prefer immersion... But we don't want anyone thinking they are being misled - the UI, even if currently temporary and being reworked, is intended to have that sort of look.
> Other classes aside from the 7 announced?
Maybe in DLCs, but we haven't planned for it yet (we want to make sure we focus on launching a good game before making plans about DLCs)
> Voiced dialogues
This is actually one the game's pillar. Our Creative Director wanted to avoid the common "Walls of text to read" that's often associated to cRPGs, so if the dialogues weren't voiced it would defeat the purpose.
> Icons not easy to understand
We're reworking those, this was a problem we were aware of. Here are a few examples, much easier to understand imo.