Whipporowill said:
You fucking shitting me - you're using comic sans as a font?!
Heh. I wondered if that might be an issue. That's good enough for me. Font is now back to "Tahoma, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif".
Thorndyke said:
Second: There seems to be something wrong with the upper corners. In the top right corner I can see a piece of imagery which doesn't look like it belongs there (part of the coin image, I guess).
Can you take a screenshot of this and upload it to
http://www.imageshack.us/ because I can't replicate the problem - Even in Opera 7.54.
Thorndyke said:
People who use Opera and don't keep it upgraded really shouldn't expect web-sites to work for them. At all. I mean really. There's a reason they're up to version 8.01 already.
mEtaLL1x said:
Color scheme, layout, fonts - everything needs refinement.
I'd help you, but alas too busy right now with other projects.
Considering the offer is coming from a man with such a lovely colour-coded signature - I have to say I'm quite relieved.
Thorndyke said:
Whipporowill said:
The problems with the coin "flying" is probably that old marginwidth problem. Damn browserspecific code...
Just adding style="margin:0px; padding:0px;" to the body tag wouldn't be that much work though.
You'd think the engineers at Microsoft would think that way too, wouldn't you?
For all you Opera users (given the issue never occured in any other browser) the padding has been added (margin was already set). Now, just as long as you don't ask for a complete XHTML style...
Elwro said:
Imo the black stripe to the right (in the background) doesn't look good.
:audible sigh which you can't hear which is why I'm typing the words audilble sigh into the forum so it makes for a good affect: No-one likes the black. Unfortunately, every other colour sucks much more than black does. :/ I've changed it to white. At the moment that whole right background is simply repeated ad-nauseum out right to meet the width of the page. It has to be a solid colour too because I can't be arsed doing much more than changing colours to fit the existing "RPGCodex" layout.
Elwro said:
Fuck you bitch.
Oh... wait... You mean that. Sorry, my bad.
Gwendo said:
It's NOT looking great. At least, it doesn't have the sophisticated design as the current RPG Codex design.
Could you define what you mean by "sophistication" because the layout is exactly the same. The only difference is the colours.
Strangely enough, no-one seems to be using Internet Explorer here because no-one's complained about the grey...
Sarvis said:
Wouldn't the sims be a different genre? Something like, oh I don't know, a Simulation?
You really want to visit SimCodex.com? Especially when TycoonCodex sounds much sexier.
Sarvis said:
My point was that in the Sims you are interacting with real people, and take on the role of your character in that world. Since you are interacting with real people you can do and say just about anything with them, whereas in a game like Morrowind or Fallout you are limited to options the developer puts in.
Somebody's been playing the Sims too much I think, if they're considering them "real people". Sounds like the only "Real True RPGâ„¢" that fits the definition you want is Real Lifeâ„¢.
how's that? (There's a reason visiting the straight tycooncodex.com URL doesn't load the site yet too).