Something I found funny about this new trailer they released today is they show some concept art for the game, and the characters, while still the same characters, look way fucking better than what's in the game. Black guy isn't some skinny little thin necked looking twerp. The girl in the glasses (they're sunglasses in the concept art) is actually cool and attractive looking in the concept art. Shirtless guy who wants to cook seems to be the most unchanllenge, although he's more buff looking in the concept art. Everyone also seems to have been made less attractive than their concept art versions. There's some production art around the end at the 5:37 mark that shows them all together in a car and it is not the versions of the characters we're seeing in the game footage.
The group also has more of a uniform look in the concept art. There's a lot of other colors on these characters not related to the Saints in the game, looking at the Boss and Black Nerd Guy you'd think the teams color is green, Driver Girl is wearing mostly red and yellow. In the concept art if there's color on their clothing it's purple, like Driver Girl has Saints purple sunglasses. And maybe they're doing some thing where they're wearing green because they're green since they're just starting out, but Driver Girl fucks that up because she's red and yellow.
Wow, thanks for posting this. I wasn't excited about watching 7 minutes of self-congratulation so I skipped this preview but this is important information.
Here are the concept art designs ALG is talking about:
These characters are GORGEOUS in comparison to what we see in the actual trailers. They have a sense of humor but, critically,
take themselves seriously. They seem like grownups. I particularly like the original Eli, a disdainful guy who wears a tux because he's classy, not as a joke. The in-game characters seem like clowns and Muppets by comparison.
Somewhere between the concept stage and in-game modeling, some executive said "Gotta be even younger, zanier, friendlier!"