Haven't done the Makeb ones yet.the onderon mastery datacron
How does it compare to Makeb?
Let me just say the ride is wild.
Haven't done the Makeb ones yet.the onderon mastery datacron
How does it compare to Makeb?
My companion in tank mode is going to do far better as a tank than any DPS to begin with. I've also gotten good at micromanaging it.This... can happen. There are players who are dumber than companions.
Commando.is sith assassin the best class ever?
I filled my apartment with HK-51 statues.
Those are all companions. I see Talos, Rusk and your crush on the left is Doc I think. After KOTFE, all companions seem to become technically new NPCs, while you get the old ones' equipment sent by mail. Those outdated ones end up... pretty nekkid.looked like the guy on the left here:
only downside is it gets at best a seat in the dark council, while people like the agent at some point get to de facto rule the whole galaxy
Those are all companions. I see Talos, Rusk and your crush on the left is Doc I think. After KOTFE, all companions seem to become technically new NPCs, while you get the old ones' equipment sent by mail. Those outdated ones end up... pretty nekkid.looked like the guy on the left here:
Maybe the game uses the old companions as (normally invisible) placeholders for the hook points.
It's kinda funny tho, looks like your latest conquest has not yet left your appartment after a steamy night of.. sabaak.
I hope you are joking. You go from braindamaged slaaaaaaaaaaave to the only sane council member, pretty much running the show in tandem with Darth Marr. Then you move on to become the empress of Zakuul, controlling the most powerful force in the known galaxy. Who cares about the agent being the Illuminati (who are in shambles at that point anyway), if you can literally conquer a world before breakfast.only downside is it gets at best a seat in the dark council, while people like the agent at some point get to de facto rule the whole galaxy
My companion in tank mode is going to do far better as a tank than any DPS to begin with. I've also gotten good at micromanaging it.This... can happen. There are players who are dumber than companions.
Commando.is sith assassin the best class ever?
LS Trooper is just doing his duty, that's what makes him so great. There is no quest for power or attempting to rule the galaxy. You showed up for work and you're damn good at your job.commando isn't in the sith council, doesn't shoot lightning, hasn't a lightsaber, hasn't stealth, doesn't look cool in a skirt.
LS Trooper is just doing his duty, that's what makes him so great. There is no quest for power or attempting to rule the galaxy. You showed up for work and you're damn good at your job.commando isn't in the sith council, doesn't shoot lightning, hasn't a lightsaber, hasn't stealth, doesn't look cool in a skirt.
groupfinder should be renamed hammer station queue
people who keyboard turn should be banned from queueing for FPs
and people who queue as tank in full DPS gear
I haven't done operations. I did one story mode uprising because they barely ever pop. It was …weird.They would queue for operations and those funny alliance pseudo-flashpoints instead. By the way, as a person without preconceptions, how do you compare the two activities?
"tank" died on the first boss in hammer station(master mode,) the DPS sage tanked the boss for the rest of the fight. Yes, I was cleansing correctly, he was just taking far too much damage for me to heal.That entirelly depends on the skills of the tank, given a competent healer. Given an actually *good* healer, it becomes independent of the skills of the tank.