Its All right Comrade its not like I really need those prizes or something, on plus side played a bit more with my Agent and aside from superb quests and choices found this in one of the random Heroic mission loot:
Imperial agent the best class so far:
Bounty hunter I just ask for more credits + do bounties in way client asks = Mako mostly happy so you make credits and deliver cool speech lines with southern accent, really easy and quite mindless fun kicking around and burning people and xenos to crisp.
Sith Warrior I am just angry all time and firmly believer in superiority of both his Sith blood and faith but also true

Aristocrat and Warrior too so brave people like Old warrior got their chance to die as warriors and so on, he doesnt like Jedi, fools and people who don't have balls.
Trooper is just good goy who loves Republic Army, Republic, hot Republican beaches and cold bear, what he doesn't like much are Imps, faggots who run from line of duty and worst of them all Republican senators unless they do have nice pair of tits.
So only need to use my brain when playing as agent obviously cause its hard to do good to Empire and not make Sith too

(Got executed for refusing to kneel before Darth J) . Also like how there are no good and bad guys in this game as I met Jedi assholes and Sith bros.