Man, the spring and summer plantings of year 2, when you have the money and resources to really get serious, are hectic as shit. At least, they have been for me. I just finished animal tending, clearing, hoeing, fertilizing, planting, and watering for summer day 1, and my arms are shaking from some sort of nervous exhaustion because getting everything done on day 1 of the season (important because many plant types will yield an extra harvest by season's end if planted immediately) is intense. It was get up at 6 a.m. and go all-out until 1 a.m. the next day or slightly later, twenty minutes of pure insanity, desperately speed-clicking the ground to get fertilizer and seeds in before 2 a.m.
It's also a fairly stiff logistical challenge.
I'm planting at least some of every available crop this year to have a nice stock that I wasn't able to get or keep the first year, and by now I have three Iridium Sprinklers and 24 Quality Sprinklers (264 grid squares total, one plant apiece), so that's a shitload of work to do. You also have to carefully plan and setup your layout (before day 1 of the season) for organization purposes, because trellises can't be passed through, and also to ensure scarecrow coverage. You have to do some math for each seed type so that you can purchase a stockpile that'll last the whole season; it's not feasible to run all the way to the store every time something needs replanting.
A different kind of challenging but quite challenging indeed. Stuffing a lot of organization and work into a hard deadline is pretty satisfying stuff if you manage to pull it off. I barely made in spring day 1, but had about an hour left before 2 a.m. on summer day 1 despite having more to do.