
guys why game is shit after 200 hours of play
I just finished that whole quest line few days ago. You only find money on the ship. Only password you need is from the bank representative so you can hack bank records in their HQ to get the location of the lost ship.It weren't goods, but credits. Even if it's all digital you either get inflation or deflation.There is no gold, just crypto bullshit money. Probably also the reason why there was not that much inflation.
Yes there was.Also there is no password on the ship. Orud fails at reading.
I think the worst part of it, even worse than the atrocious writing, is how the whole space exploration aspect of the game was nuked by fast travel.Tnx for suffering for us. Luckily I never jumped there :D
But I had some operative that abducted some other dude pull a gun on me, Andreja and abducted dude I released after we just killed like 30 of his armored Eliptic mercs he hired.. of course he died in 2s..
This game just does not care. I just play it like Space Diablo with FPS like combat.. but instead of cool loot it has lots of random shit I put in my cargo hold and forget about it.
This website (and RPGs in general) is overrun with storyfags, what else is new? As I've said a thousand times already. Bethesda's writing is not good, but neither is all the writing that gets praised around here. Write an edgy, morally ambiguous premise and allude to some sophomoric take on political philosophy. Sprinkle in some references to 'classic literature' for the cred--not obscure stuff either, shit like Gilgamesh that only demonstrates you read the assigned reading in high school. Automatic acclaim from gamers because they're all a bunch of the quest is so shit that you type out 900 words just to describe how shit it is
I think the worst part of it, even worse than the atrocious writing, is how the whole space exploration aspect of the game was nuked by fast travel.Tnx for suffering for us. Luckily I never jumped there :D
But I had some operative that abducted some other dude pull a gun on me, Andreja and abducted dude I released after we just killed like 30 of his armored Eliptic mercs he hired.. of course he died in 2s..
This game just does not care. I just play it like Space Diablo with FPS like combat.. but instead of cool loot it has lots of random shit I put in my cargo hold and forget about it.
Space does not exist in this game. It's a backdrop where you may spend a few seconds before docking or landing. You may get an encounter: pirates shooting at you, or some dumb quest like a random spaceship full of schoolchildren needing to be transmitted 5 ship repair parts. But it's not really a place to explore. If there's no combat or talking to be done, you can beam your ship down to planet, or instawarp to some other "orbit", which is the exact same place with a different colored planet in front of you, and another chance for more combat or "quests".
I kinda enjoy on-foot planet exploration and outpost building. The latter could have been so much better, but it's still decent fun despite it's half-assedness.
Bethesda was inspired by Traveller so they decided to go for a realistic approximation of scale which is a weird move for them--they haven't shied away from abstractions before--but if you're going to do that you essentially have to use a fast travel system. They should have kept the fuel system, but otherwise most of the backlash is because the average person doesn't actually internalize how big space is. They think they do, "Yeah I understand it's not like our model solar system in class" but they don't really. This is a good reference if you want to truly grasp it: think the worst part of it, even worse than the atrocious writing, is how the whole space exploration aspect of the game was nuked by fast travel.
no uAre you retarded?
That implies the existence of planets, or empty stuff between stuff. Instead, you can fly through the collision-free disc that's been hung in front of you and looks like Mars if you're autistic enough to try. If there's a space station, well whaddya know, it's right in docking range though. Pirates about? In gun range. Damsel in distress? Right in front of you. Each "planet" has one of these POIs, and only one. You use your engines to approach shit 4000 meters away at 150m/s. These same engines get you into orbit from the surface somehow, but they lose 99.9999% of their power once in space. It's fucking pathetic.It's the empty stuff between planets.
Well excuse me for having grown up on Elite and adoring KSP.Sure, there are a few that let you fly between planets like KSP and the old Elite games, but those are the exception.
Instawarping between NPC 1 and NPC 2 on different sides of the "galaxy" without ever getting a whiff of space is not a realistic approximation of anything. If you have a fast PC with short loading screens, it's faster to go from the town square in Alpha Centauri to the town square in Volii than it is to go through an airlock at one of your outposts.realistic approximation of scale
No, the quest I detailed above is german shepherd-level of writing. In one instance, you do a thing then - following the resulting prompt - walk over to a guy on the other side of some staircases and doors, who informs you that because of the thing you just did 10 seconds ago, his employee has not been seen in quite some time and is now considered missing. No time travel shit either. Before the quest trigger he's toiling in the mines next to the quest giver; after the trigger he's been missing for a while.non-degree holders slipped through the cracks,
It is funny. Ships grav jump between systems but show you just flying beween planets in same system.. ignoring such travel will last weeks :DBethesda was inspired by Traveller so they decided to go for a realistic approximation of scale which is a weird move for them--they haven't shied away from abstractions before--but if you're going to do that you essentially have to use a fast travel system. They should have kept the fuel system, but otherwise most of the backlash is because the average person doesn't actually internalize how big space is. They think they do, "Yeah I understand it's not like our model solar system in class" but they don't really. This is a good reference if you want to truly grasp it: think the worst part of it, even worse than the atrocious writing, is how the whole space exploration aspect of the game was nuked by fast travel.
What do you think space is? Well let me explain it to you buddy: It's the empty stuff between planets. What is there to explore?
So there's a white old male in the lodge (Walter Stroud) and he's financing the whole thing. I was shocked that a white rich male could be portraided in a good light. Then you go to Neon City with him and turns out his wife actually runs the company and he's totally subservient to her. Another useless white male.
Well, Phantom Liberty isn't any better. We have a character in position of power you will escort and work for , a strong character , guess the gender then guess the skin color of the honorable dude and dudette who will help during this journey, and finally guess the skin color and gender, and even age, of the villain holding Dogtown.So there's a white old male in the lodge (Walter Stroud) and he's financing the whole thing. I was shocked that a white rich male could be portraided in a good light. Then you go to Neon City with him and turns out his wife actually runs the company and he's totally subservient to her. Another useless white male.
That is how all the white dudes are portrayed (cowards, pathetic, incompetent, criminals etc). If they have one shred of dignity about them (most don't) they are always attached to some mutt / female at their hip.
Calling Walter a white dude might be a bit of a stretch. Although, when you swim in a sea of darkness long enough, anything not black starts to look white. Also, you forgot to mention Walter's wife is some mutt negro creature.
For anyone out of the loop, Stroud-Eklund is the name of a prominent ship manufacturer. Walter Stroud and his "partner" Issa Eklund are pictured below.
That implies the existence of planets, or empty stuff between stuff. Instead, you can fly through the collision-free disc that's been hung in front of you and looks like Mars if you're autistic enough to try. If there's a space station, well whaddya know, it's right in docking range though. Pirates about? In gun range. Damsel in distress? Right in front of you. Each "planet" has one of these POIs, and only one. You use your engines to approach shit 4000 meters away at 150m/s. These same engines get you into orbit from the surface somehow, but they lose 99.9999% of their power once in space. It's fucking pathetic.
Instawarping between NPC 1 and NPC 2 on different sides of the "galaxy" without ever getting a whiff of space is not a realistic approximation of anything. If you have a fast PC with short loading screens, it's faster to go from the town square in Alpha Centauri to the town square in Volii than it is to go through an airlock at one of your outposts.
I'm not saying they should have done Aurora 4x-level autistic shit but maybe I am. (Great game btw, buggy and super fucking weird, with an asshole boomer dev, but that's why it's so good.)
No, the quest I detailed above is german shepherd-level of writing. In one instance, you do a thing then - following the resulting prompt - walk over to a guy on the other side of some staircases and doors, who informs you that because of the thing you just did 10 seconds ago, his employee has not been seen in quite some time and is now considered missing. No time travel shit either. Before the quest trigger he's toiling in the mines next to the quest giver; after the trigger he's been missing for a while.
Skyrim, but even Fallout 4, were masterpieces compared to this slop. And I fucking guarantee you that this is a direct result of the diversification of the writer's room, and the quest was designed by an affirmative action enjoyer, or worse, a woman with a social sciences degree.
Really? How do you know that?
That's literally not how any space game works, because if it works like that, it's not a space game.That's how most space game works
You actually kind of are: you lose nothing by doing it, and save yourself the trouble of a bunch of loading screens.You're not forced to to do that. Feel free to only fast travel in orbit if it helps with your autism.
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize only you were allowed to bring up other games about space.Aurora 4x is a MS excel 4x game played by 10 ultra-dorks on somethingawful. What does it have to do with Starfield?
"They made the game bad bro, but it's for your convenience, bro. It doesn't have to adhere to the basic principles of time and space because it's just a game, bro. You're autistic if you notice, bro."So they didn't program in a delay in the quest triggers and this hurts your austism? Did you know games don't represent reality 100% and take shortcuts for player convenience?