
video games are satanic mkay
Same thing took roots in every piece of modern entertainment.So there's a white old male in the lodge (Walter Stroud) and he's financing the whole thing. I was shocked that a white rich male could be portraided in a good light. Then you go to Neon City with him and turns out his wife actually runs the company and he's totally subservient to her. Another useless white male.
That is how all the white dudes are portrayed (cowards, pathetic, incompetent, criminals etc). If they have one shred of dignity about them (most don't) they are always attached to some mutt / female at their hip.
Calling Walter a white dude might be a bit of a stretch. Although, when you swim in a sea of darkness long enough, anything not black starts to look white. Also, you forgot to mention Walter's wife is some mutt negro creature.
For anyone out of the loop, Stroud-Eklund is the name of a prominent ship manufacturer. Walter Stroud and his "partner" Issa Eklund are pictured below.
that's SJW's fault for saying that all important positions where held by white men, now it's reversed but it should, hopefully, balance out again. I actually respect Cyberpunk for putting a black female as the random npc that you hit in the face during the first BD sequence of the store robbery.Only way a straight white male can be on the positive side is if he is accepting all the bullshit from women, minorities, animals and universe around him like a good little simp.
Well the woman in the cover of Phantom Liberty is a dangerhair feminist, so not surprising.Well, Phantom Liberty isn't any better. We have a character in position of power you will escort and work for , a strong character , guess the gender then guess the skin color of the honorable dude and dudette who will help during this journey, and finally guess the skin color and gender, and even age, of the villain holding Dogtown.So there's a white old male in the lodge (Walter Stroud) and he's financing the whole thing. I was shocked that a white rich male could be portraided in a good light. Then you go to Neon City with him and turns out his wife actually runs the company and he's totally subservient to her. Another useless white male.
That is how all the white dudes are portrayed (cowards, pathetic, incompetent, criminals etc). If they have one shred of dignity about them (most don't) they are always attached to some mutt / female at their hip.
Calling Walter a white dude might be a bit of a stretch. Although, when you swim in a sea of darkness long enough, anything not black starts to look white. Also, you forgot to mention Walter's wife is some mutt negro creature.
For anyone out of the loop, Stroud-Eklund is the name of a prominent ship manufacturer. Walter Stroud and his "partner" Issa Eklund are pictured below.
Classical woke tropes will undoubtedly help you fill in the blanks with 100% certainty.
True. And while she has the predictors of a low-value female (partially shaved head, drawn-on eyebrows, excessive tattoos, and so on) she was actually quite likable.that's Judy btw and she's a major character in the base game too, she's also a lesbo (romanceable only with female V afaik)
I would simply not fast travel if I don't like the mechanic. Guess I'm built different.Instawarping between NPC 1 and NPC 2 on different sides of the "galaxy" without ever getting a whiff of space is not a realistic approximation of anything. If you have a fast PC with short loading screens, it's faster to go from the town square in Alpha Centauri to the town square in Volii than it is to go through an airlock at one of your outposts.
I did another quest in the middle so in my game there's no such plot hole. Seems like user error to me.No, the quest I detailed above is german shepherd-level of writing. In one instance, you do a thing then - following the resulting prompt - walk over to a guy on the other side of some staircases and doors, who informs you that because of the thing you just did 10 seconds ago, his employee has not been seen in quite some time and is now considered missing. No time travel shit either. Before the quest trigger he's toiling in the mines next to the quest giver; after the trigger he's been missing for a while.
yes like Witcher 3 writing vs Skyrim writing. Does anybody play Bethesda games for the writing? Meanwhile CDPR games can't hold a candle to Bethesda's sandbox feel. Everything is railroaded and Cyberpunk is even worse than Witcher because they removed the branching paths from what I've seen, at least it's not prevalent enough for me to have noticed/remembered.I haven't gotten around to Phantom Libery yet, but the writing in the original game was next level when compared to things like, khm, Starfield.
That's literally not how any space game works, because if it works like that, it's not a space game.
You actually kind of are: you lose nothing by doing it, and save yourself the trouble of a bunch of loading screens.
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize only you were allowed to bring up other games about space.
"They made the game bad bro, but it's for your convenience, bro. It doesn't have to adhere to the basic principles of time and space because it's just a game, bro. You're autistic if you notice, bro."
Retards like you defending this is a big part of the problem, actually. Probably bigger than Bethesda not giving a shit. At the end of the day they're just trying to make a buck, while not spending more than they absolutely have to. What's your fucking excuse?
B L A C K E DWhen we left earth everyone became a space nigger the end
Roll credits![]()
Just one the rest is me Sarah and a weapon specialist.
Niggers, trannies, mental health breaks.The game must have been scrapped at least twice, otherwise I don't see how the fuck it took them 6 years.
I don't know how you can defend limiting space travel to fast travel. The game was advertised as a game about exploration, but it turned out to be simply a fast travel festival.
What a FUCKING problem it is to design the ability to manually land and take off from planets, or at least the ability to manually travel through space.
Making excuses about realism is stupid, it's a video game, not a 1 to 1 simulator.
Somehow small studios with a budget that was a fraction of what Betards had were somehow able to do it.
If they can't handle their own engine, they should give it up.
I don't give a damn that it's easy to mod. No mod is worth bothering with the basic game. The game won't have any mod worth playing anyway, it's not Skyrim.
For over 10 years they have not made any progress and you can even say that they are regressing.
What the fuck did they spend all the budget and time they had on producing this game? They even had a bunch of asians to create resources.
What the fuck have they been doing for 6 years?
Let's summarize
1) The game looks like the previous generation
2) Animations are crap
3) NPCs are shit
4) The plot is crap and might not exist
5) Base building was already in F4
6) Procedural generation is crap with few tiles
7) The combat is ok at best.
Practically the only new thing is building ships
Did I forget something?
The game must have been scrapped at least twice, otherwise I don't see how the fuck it took them 6 years.
Skyrim came out 11 years ago, so what kind of burnout are we talking about? Most of the people who created Skyrim probably don't even work there anymore.I don't know how you can defend limiting space travel to fast travel. The game was advertised as a game about exploration, but it turned out to be simply a fast travel festival.
What a FUCKING problem it is to design the ability to manually land and take off from planets, or at least the ability to manually travel through space.
Making excuses about realism is stupid, it's a video game, not a 1 to 1 simulator.
Somehow small studios with a budget that was a fraction of what Betards had were somehow able to do it.
If they can't handle their own engine, they should give it up.
I don't give a damn that it's easy to mod. No mod is worth bothering with the basic game. The game won't have any mod worth playing anyway, it's not Skyrim.
For over 10 years they have not made any progress and you can even say that they are regressing.
What the fuck did they spend all the budget and time they had on producing this game? They even had a bunch of asians to create resources.
What the fuck have they been doing for 6 years?
Let's summarize
1) The game looks like the previous generation
2) Animations are crap
3) NPCs are shit
4) The plot is crap and might not exist
5) Base building was already in F4
6) Procedural generation is crap with few tiles
7) The combat is ok at best.
Practically the only new thing is building ships
Did I forget something?
The game must have been scrapped at least twice, otherwise I don't see how the fuck it took them 6 years.
I can easily see how it took that long. All the "an engine means nothing!!! you just don't know how coding works!!" cope from fans aside, it turns out Bethesda doesn't have any coders capable of gutting their engine and making it into something impressive. So they probably spent most of that time desperately trying to fit the spacegame into their engine, with all the lazy hacks we see in the final game being the best they could do (i.e load screens every half second).
They'd have been better off just making Skyrim 2 a few times over in all that time, but I am assuming the real reason they made this (and Fallout too) was to give their developers a break and mitigate burnout, because they're tired of making TES games.
no1) The game looks like the previous generation
no2) Animations are crap
what did you say against my waifu Sarah motherfucker?3) NPCs are shit
better than previous main plots hands down4) The plot is crap and might not exist
so what? Also it's not just base building but you have a poor man's version of factorio here5) Base building was already in F4
it's not crap, what does "few tiles" even mean6) Procedural generation is crap with few tiles
combat is legit more fun than cyberpunk to me because the AI is not retarded and you get a boostpack and powers. but that's subjective.7) The combat is ok at best.
most people praise the ship building as one of the better parts of the gamePractically the only new thing is building ships
yesDid I forget something?
Seamless spacetravel was not part of their design, and I agree, I don't want to waste time flying through space. In fact I have modded out the landing and docking animations because they're a waste of time. What I'm looking for is combat, dungeons, exploration and doing quests. Starfield is not a space sim but a Bethesda RPG set in space and on that front it delivers.What a FUCKING problem it is to design the ability to manually land and take off from planets, or at least the ability to manually travel through space.
Making excuses about realism is stupid, it's a video game, not a 1 to 1 simulator.
Somehow small studios with a budget that was a fraction of what Betards had were somehow able to do it.
What the fuck have they been doing for 6 years?
Virtually every game can be summed up in the same way. Unfortunately, potential means nothing if it is not used.This game had so much potential if they only put more resources into quests and options around those instead of useless reactivity like when I put Andreja into Mantis armor she comments that she is OK with wearing this armor but she is getting a lot of strange looks in cities