Prime Junta
In both cases they were Turkics also. Solution? Add Turkic pops that can spontaneously take over government.
Are you saying that Identity Evropa is right?
In both cases they were Turkics also. Solution? Add Turkic pops that can spontaneously take over government.
In both cases they were Turkics also. Solution? Add Turkic pops that can spontaneously take over government.
Are you saying that Identity Evropa is right?
One should always reduce both hyperlane paths and habitable planets to minimum when first generating your galaxy.Habitable planets should be a bigger deal and a good reason for a war.
the main problem is the habitability stat.Everyone can live everywhere.
This sounds like exactly how California works: A hellscape devoid of life where everyone would otherwise naturally die, made sustainable and allowing people to delude themselves into believing this is some kind of paradise rather than a hellscape because of technolergy.So now you can colonize 0% nuclear wasteland and you will get -25% production & hapiness punishment. And pops will need 200% food, goods and amenity. That's... pretty good for a death world.
"This isn't so bad... I just need more food and video games to forget about the radiation!".
It's a planet where everything violently combusts into flames the moment it's exposed to atmosphere.Compare to SEIV which went full weird, even if it had some scientifically-implausible weirdness like aliens who were native to gas planets and "Oxygen Gas Planets", whatever the fuck that is.
the main problem is the habitability stat.Everyone can live everywhere.
you just increase it and magically you can breathe poison gas or survive a frozen wasteland.
the main problem is the habitability stat.Everyone can live everywhere.
you just increase it and magically you can breathe poison gas or survive a frozen wasteland.
I understand that it's an abstraction, but it's also an oversimplification.
It'd be better if you had to research habitats and construct them for non-native species and that said species wouldn't ever be able to achieve any sort of habitability without constructing these limited complexes unless they had been either genetically or mechanically engineered to do so.
Yes, you'd think that planets which are less habitable would result in more pop growth because people can't go outside, same as happens in real life.Furthermore pop growth is static across all planets for no good reason. 0% hab planets grow pops just as well as 100%, and lots of them will migrate to the 100% planet anyway where they perform better. The only downside is a very small initial investment in colony ships that is quickly paid back.
Just opened a L gate for the second time. The first time it was some nanite people who said thanks. This time it was pissed off 53K nanite fleets. Since my combined fleet strength is around 12K and things are not going well.
On the plus side my empire was degenerating into a degenerate race mixing cesspool of half-breed lizards and bugs. Things are better this way.
Speaking of half-breeds how do I get the caravaners to stop date raping my women?
Build a wall. When the Caraveneers send their people, they aren't sending their best. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. But you can't take that chance. That is why you must build a wall.Speaking of half-breeds how do I get the caravaners to stop date raping my women?