and game should be reviewed 4/10 as it is now.
Indeed. The game is a 7-8 just due to bug-free release, slick interface, basic nice Paradox empire gameplay and solid (if basic)mechanics that will probably make it a good multiplayer experience.and game should be reviewed 4/10 as it is now.
Let's not be ridiculous.
Advanced AIs are empires that start with a tech buff and sometimes multiple planets.If you want to make the game even slower, go for it. Advanced start only sets how many fallen empires there are. The AI will still be shit. The way to go is to play this game online with real people.
EU4 was not that barebone at launch
EU4 had 0 content and was terrible at launch, same as CK2. Stellaris is pretty much the same though I think I'll prefer it to Distant Worlds by 2018. DW is a pain in the ass for me as you either have to micro everything and make the game tedious or set it to auto in which case the game plays itself.
Gonna go back to Space Empires or mabe Star Ruler for a year or two.
Looks like my first game will come to an end soon. There's a bug where the AI doesn't fight back against extra-galactic invasions. So The Unbidden are eating everyone.
In other news, Corvettes are OP:
EU4 was not that barebone at launch
EU4 had 0 content and was terrible at launch, same as CK2. Stellaris is pretty much the same though I think I'll prefer it to Distant Worlds by 2018. DW is a pain in the ass for me as you either have to micro everything and make the game tedious or set it to auto in which case the game plays itself.
Gonna go back to Space Empires or mabe Star Ruler for a year or two.
EU the 4th vanilla was watching paint dry for 5 years and then feeding your vassal. Sometimes you even got to pop a mole random Pirate blockading you. Oh yes and the joys of manual exploration.
I have plenty of gripes with Stellaris, but it's a metric fuckton more fun than EU3/EU4 at launch and I can't really stop playing it. The 40k decorative mod is also already better than 98% of all EU4 mods.
Distant Worlds is weird and fun for a few hours until you realize the game is just a Gas Station simulator and nothing else matters.
In other news, Corvettes are OP
why build an expensive inneficient ship when you can d efficient ship corvettes with evasion. And thats talking about a game vs AI, would you use anything else than corvettes in a multiplayer game ?Who cares? Just build cruisers with 3small weapon slots or more.
The game is easy as it is, no need to cheese it.
why build an expensive inneficient ship when you can d efficient ship corvettes with evasion. And thats talking about a game vs AI, would you use anything else than corvettes in a multiplayer game ?Who cares? Just build cruisers with 3small weapon slots or more.
The game is easy as it is, no need to cheese it.
Who cares? Just build cruisers with 3small weapon slots or more.
The game is easy as it is, no need to cheese it.
you can nullify them by building arc weapons battleships, but it takes ressources to upgrade starport and those ships while you do that when you can be on your merry way vassalizing everything in range with corvettes isntead.why build an expensive inneficient ship when you can d efficient ship corvettes with evasion. And thats talking about a game vs AI, would you use anything else than corvettes in a multiplayer game ?Who cares? Just build cruisers with 3small weapon slots or more.
The game is easy as it is, no need to cheese it.
Who plays paradox multi when you can only run the game at 3 speed, lol.
And you build it because it looks cool. It's a single player game, why powergame and go for the meta when you can have fun? Not to mention you can easily mod a lot of things, like planet limit, starting techs, ai aggressiveness and difficulty modifiers, etc. Corvette evasion bonus can also be nullified by finding the correct file.
So far one of the common problem is that people ignore defenses completely. 1 or 2 defense platforms here and there but they are godlike for preparation, they lock invadinf fleets long enough fof you to intercept them etc.
Wow, and people said DW had linear tech trees...
This is not correct. Advanced starts have nothing to do with fallen empires. They make some aliens start with 3 or 4 planets and some other shit. I know this because I'm playing an 8 species game with no advanced starts and 3 fallen empires. Also I've seen it in game.If you want to make the game even slower, go for it. Advanced start only sets how many fallen empires there are. The AI will still be shit. The way to go is to play this game online with real people.
Yeah, the tutorial might ought to mention that building your mineral income past, say +100, is virtually useless. Energy credits are the real life blood of an empire. All those mineral mining stations are fine in the early game, but just drain credits in the mid game. Your entire goal after the early game should probably be to acquire credits and research while spending the credits on a massive fleet - especially since saving them is also useless thanks to the low storage cap.I usually end up going energy on the homeworld and then a second 25 tile energy planet just because energy is such a pain. I ALWAYS have way more minerals than I can feasibly use.