Extreme heat gave me the itch to swim again so I have been trying Below Zero out.
I must say that the story set up is way, way weaker than the original. Can't understand why so many writers think we may be interested in rescuing a character we have never seen before. Being stranded on the alien planet with virus is heck of a story hook. It explains why you start with a bare minimum of resources and seeing wrecks everywhere is a chilling sight reminding of own mortality. But going there willingly without enough resources and seeing wrecks that has nothing to do with your situation feels empty.
Having a character decide to go to the planet out of their own volition seems to be better suited to be a second act of the story than a story hook. If author made us care about the sister and explained why going to the planet would be a tough decision for the protagonist the story could hold out well. This for obvious reason would not work for this game.
A better story hook would be being a prisoner dumbed on the planet to die if you want a minimalist story or maybe being an agent of a rebelion building a secret base if you want a more robust story.
OG Subnautica was lightning in a bottle that the devs have not, and can not, reproduce.
Below Zero went through a "Stop Everything, We're Changing the Plot!"-phase during Early Access. The original plot was that Robyn went to the planet because she was trying to dig up dirt on Alterra, but her sister was safe in orbit and they were constantly chatting with each other. At one point a nameless third party (in orbit) got involved, hinting at a bigger conspiracy before the plug was pulled.
They honestly had no idea what they were doing with Below Zero.