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Preview Swen Vincke's Divinity: Original Sin 2 Presentation at EGX Rezzed 2017


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Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Tags: Divinity: Original Sin 2; Larian Studios; Swen Vincke

Larian's Swen Vincke was once again at EGX Rezzed in London this year to talk about Divinity: Original Sin 2. What was advertised as a presentation about the challenges of designing the game's narrative turned out to be more of a live preview. For 24 minutes, Swen played through the game's opening, while pointing out how Larian had handled the complexities of writing for a game where your protagonist may or may not have an origin story that unlocks unique dialogue, your companions also have origin stories, and any character can talk to anybody. Not to mention multiplayer.

There's nothing really new here as such, but it's a great introduction to Divinity: Original Sin 2 and the concepts behind it.


Dec 15, 2016
Haven't followed DoS:2 at all. Damn. All these character choices, ones we don't chose becoming companions, choosing their classes/archetypes etc was what I was thinking would be in my dream RPG over the years... too bad this is turn based and over the top fantasy :P

Tho I don't like that you can essentially be your companions and talk with NPCs as if you are them; the very thing I hated in DoS1, which they are adding despite even more narrative work. Guess ppl who loves this game loves that aspect also, whatever...


Dec 15, 2016
Not a problem, here, go meet your friends:

It's more fun watching your delusions as you expect your dream TB game from Obsidian whose only TB game is SP. Or from MCA, the fag who's afraid of leading a game & failing > losing all you fags' support, therefore you'll find him only in supporting roles and won't be able to blame him for anything which you don't want to anyway.

It's even more fun knowing the fact that your biggest realistic hope is Sawyer.

Until then battle with your bros and put out fires with water(wow!).


Nov 8, 2012
Until then battle with your bros and put out fires with water(wow!).


Dec 7, 2016
>We want other characters world to know about what the players have done

I think that's been the missing link between tabletop and video game RPGs for a while, which has resulted in embarrassing stuff like becoming the archmage in Elder Scrolls and still being treated by a pauper in the surrounding town. It's easy to do by a good GM in a tabletop campaign since the event "data" is fresh in a human's mind, but when it comes to video games it's a complex mess like Larian has stated. But it's also what's compelling, having not only short term consequences to one's actions (immediately failing the quest or whatever) but a residual long-term consequence based on NPC characters' memories of the situation.

I'm still so conflicted because I'm not the biggest fan of Larian's writing style, but at the same time they're so completely correct on the overarching RPG system. It's a lot of work, but this is the direction I'd like to see CRPGs to take.

The Bishop

Oct 18, 2012
My biggest worry about D:OS 2 right now is that since they're making such extensive dialogue trees and loading the game up with so much scripting, a lot of that stuff is going to be pretty buggy on release. Should be fixable eventually, especially since most dialogue isn't voice acted, but... Going to be difficult to maintain the same level of quality throughout the game as well. This game is shaping up to be something really special. Fingers crossed that Larian can pull it off.


Aug 10, 2016
My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
This and Bannerlord are pretty much the only games I'm looking forward to.
I do wonder why the Undead origin seems to stay in WIP for ages.

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
a lot of that stuff is going to be pretty buggy on release. Should be fixable eventually,

Wait, do people even play games before the Enhanced Edition comes out any more?

Not worth playing before tenth patch, all cut on release intended DLCs are included and game is EE. As DDOR2 I am moderately optimistic as remastered DKS turned to be funny romp and DDOS made the combat at-least fun. Which is much more than all new Obshitian and Inshitscale games offer.


Speaking of patches and assuming they're reading this, could we please not have a D:OS EE repeat?
You know, that one 'final' patch that never came to be?


Aug 22, 2016
Trapped in a bioform
Speaking of patches and assuming they're reading this, could we please not have a D:OS EE repeat?
You know, that one 'final' patch that never came to be?
I hope there isn't a repeat of a patch that added quest markers, "balance", and awful voice acting to the game.


Mar 31, 2016
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire
Looks great, but I'm sad they've stuck to those third-person dialog descriptions. Awkward/10
It's already grown on me but I also like keyword dialogue choices. If all replies to you were in the same style I think it would be kind of shitty though.


I hope there isn't a repeat of a patch that added quest markers, "balance", and awful voice acting to the game.

That wasn't a 'patch' (accuracy is usually a good thing), that was the EE 'remaking'. Making it even worse, lol, as it was a deliberate, conscious shift towards popamoling.
But yes, 101% on markers, locked areas, etc. Though frankly i'm certain we'll be getting it all again; if not now, soon enough.

Tentative on voice overs. We don't have enough info to know if this was choice or mere necessity. Actors have schedules, other obligations, time-pecific contracts, etc. It being why adding content a year and a half later can be problematic (and avoided by other studios, guess Larian had to learn the hard way). May well be they couldn't book them at the time they needed them and so had to compromise.
Of course you're entitled to just say "this sucked" and call it a day, you don't have to make excuses for Larian.

Am only differentiating because all this, all of it, is the price paid. This is what happens when you enter a market dominated by retards. Those "AAA" values, they gotta come from somewhere.
And before you say 'we don't care, we are ""different"" ', yes, you do. Count the spastics commenting on graphics in this game, in Torment, in PoE, etc. Count' em :)

This is the price. Enjoy your "freedom", "equality" and "diversity" in all its glory. They do too.

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