Glitterdust, Animate Dead, or just send someone with +100% MR and poke their eyes out.
I usually use a mage + staff of the magi, cast "cloudkill" or "Deathfog" from out of their sight, immediately turn invisible, wait for the spell to end and repeat as many times as it takes for them to die. Sometimes they just sit there and die, other times they move a bit so it's trickier and it may take the occasional fireball to finish them off but it still does the job.So what's your preferred method for killing Beholders?.
Same with basilisks, send animate dead skellies to cheese them.
I do not think so. In my LP, the globe held for its full duration, despite being bombarded with every possible ray they could throw at my character.MicoSelva do their dispel rays remove the globe?
I do not think so. In my LP, the globe held for its full duration, despite being bombarded with every possible ray they could throw at my character.MicoSelva do their dispel rays remove the globe?
I do not think so. In my LP, the globe held for its full duration, despite being bombarded with every possible ray they could throw at my character.
Mislead, Invisibility + Skeleton Warriors, high MR, protection from magic damage + (rage) immunities, Chaos spell, vanilla buggy Spell Shield + Spell Turning/Trap/Deflection
Skeleton warriors will just get death spelled into oblivion, I think? Or do you first bait death spell with some other summon and only then throw skeleton warriors forward?
The Unseeing Eye with SCS is damn br00tal.
Unseeing Eye as an Eye Tyrant plus two Death Tyrants? Why the hell not
Yeah, I don't understand where this idea that bows are shit comes from. Sure, arcane spellcasters will out-damage then with powerful spells, but you can make some pretty decent machinegun-level archers and there's plenty of magical arrows as well and as you said, interrupting mages is occasionally crucial (SCS makes all mages cast Protection from Arrows but only some combine it with Protection from Magical Weapons) and you are often fighting in cramped corridors.Funny, I've read in numerous sites that bows are bad in BG2 but I'm still finding uses for them. Mage interruption, a way to mitigate narrow hallways, etc.
in SCS2 I had my mage use invisibilty and the cloak of non-detection, only a hive mother or an elder orb would see through thatSCS makes Beholders truly scary - even Gauths can kill a buffed character quickly, especially if there are two or more. AoE cheese does sorta work but you have to keep a running battle with it, because as MrMarbles said, SCS makes them follow you. So what I did in the first lair under the sewers, where you have some room but not much, is to have a caster go ahead and cast Cloudkill and Fireball at the edge of the screen (they see through invisibility so that's pointless), then have another caster do the same as the first one is running away and hope that they run into the second wave of spells, then animate dead / summon monsters to act as cannon fodder and once they have targeted them, go to town with bows and DD spells. If your party gets cornered and there's more than 1 left, you're fucked and will need Power Word: Reload.