It's a damn sight of an improvement over in-game items.How do you guys feel about the loyalty program? If you got a free handjob from Sawyer or MCA for backing pillars and their next cuckstarter, would you back it?
It's a damn sight of an improvement over in-game items.How do you guys feel about the loyalty program? If you got a free handjob from Sawyer or MCA for backing pillars and their next cuckstarter, would you back it?
And backer contentIt's a damn sight of an improvement over in-game items.How do you guys feel about the loyalty program? If you got a free handjob from Sawyer or MCA for backing pillars and their next cuckstarter, would you back it?
However, now I'd really like to know how the combat system will turn out, and if they make it possible to engage 99 berserkers in a wardrobe.
Let's not give up until it's time. You may be right, but among backers and official forum goers, there is a unanimous groundswell for 6 player-genned PCs plus recruits. They only announced the 4-member party a couple weeks ago and the backlash has been pretty huge. It took Brian six months to address the question of save games, and he was more thoughtful on the subject than expected. Let's be a little more patient before we write off this fight as a defeat.The lack of any 6-party-members stretchgoal makes me feel, that 4 members are carved in stone. No matter how much we moan. Let's face this sad truth... guess we need to live with it.
Technically not true. Brian did say he doesn't want to show a kobold and say, "That's 10 kobolds." What we see is what we get. BUT that does not mean that there can't be big fights. Personally I'm pushing for a Dead Rising-style gigantic brawl somewhere in the game. Not likely, but that 396 fight is a big deal with a lot of the hardliners and the devs are definitely aware of it ... at this point, we can still dream.Sadly I think they've already confirmed that there won't be any 4 x 99 berserker type fights because of the visual style.
And then he also mentioned "random encounters". Does that mean you don't see enemies approaching? So no matter where you are standing in a dungeon, a random combat can happen to you.
Yeah, the bump is over, and the undeniable truth comes out: there is not enough interest for this blurred vision of a game or for the stretchgoals.
You need to lighten up bro
It's going to make all of its current stretch goals.
Eh? I don't remember that. My expectation has been for lots of trash fights, so I feel like I would have noticed. Not saying you're wrong, but are you sure you're not thinking of Torment?Well he also made mention, if you remember, on not wanting as many trash mobs in the game.
Eh? I don't remember that. My expectation has been for lots of trash fights, so I feel like I would have noticed. Not saying you're wrong, but are you sure you're not thinking of Torment?Well he also made mention, if you remember, on not wanting as many trash mobs in the game.
Ever play a little game called Planescape: Torment?I can't remember the last time I've been annoyed by trashmobs in a game, therefore wondering why that is on discussion.
Yeah. Planescape: Torment's trash combat is pretty universally decried. The only people I've seen defend it are D&D thickheads who just can't comprehend any other type of character development system - and even then, many of them agree that D&D has been done better elsewhere. Combat mostly gets in the way of what's good about that game. On the other hand, in a Might and Magic or Bard's Tale dungeon crawler, fighting stuff and levelling up is central to why you play it.I don't think Fargo likes them. I dunno, its weird. As far as I can tell(without having played it oh jesus I'm turning into roguey) WL2 is full of trashmob combat, but InXile seems to be very against doing it in NumaNuma.
I wish they talked more about their vision for the game, their take on other blobbers and what they think worked and didn't, this kind of reflections.
Instead, right now all I know is that it's a blobber with a camera that might or might not pull back during combat. The first person camera as a tool is intended for a deep immersion, I'd like to hear their thoughts on it, why they think the camera pulling back is okay for example, this kind of stuff. I'd like to hear their take on new game dev philosophy that every moment must be an excitement etc, so for example do they allow long immersive walking (kinda like MM7/morrowind) or do they think that every inch of the game must be filled with some boring shit quests (like in modern video games)? I'm not familiar with BT1 and not very familiar with blobbers in general, so I wanna know these things.
Initially I thought they were holding it back for updates, but now I'm just immensely disappointed.
Sorry, don't feel like working through 60 pages for the answer to this:
Are we doing a BT4 fundraiser? Design a puzzle or NPCs or whatever?