This is the most difficult choice so far.
Any of these would be a most excellent choice, the question is what would make the greatest difference.
I'm inclined towards either the derelict hulk or the super weapon.
True AI might end up in a war against Skynet.
The mineral might be useful but not as big change as the other may prove to be.
And I have my doubts about he Turanei.
This will be a long meeting, councillors.
Any of these would be a most excellent choice, the question is what would make the greatest difference.
I'm inclined towards either the derelict hulk or the super weapon.
True AI might end up in a war against Skynet.
The mineral might be useful but not as big change as the other may prove to be.
And I have my doubts about he Turanei.
This will be a long meeting, councillors.