That Gaudost is exactly the sort of living decline that popamole creates nowadays, blaming the difficulty, level design and even citing "plataforming" for his retardneess. Dark Souls is a tough game, even hard but it is not an unfair game; 95% of your deaths are due to ignorance, lack of attention or poor planning.
Notice I never mentioned player skill at all, that is because the game let's you employ all sorts of tactics and tricks to cover up any mad gamer skillz deficiencies; you suck at dodging, try a heavier armor and shield approach, you suck at melee try pyromancy, you still need help then get some magic backup, you STILL need help use ranged attacks and some poison too
Anor Londo is the perfect example of this philosphy; you can fight straight up, use magic or just plain run. Once you get to the "killah" section you can try running, learning the shooting timing you can even walk it or cheese the silver knight with some poisoned depends on how you want to play it.
But blaming the game on beign "hard" or "unfair" is beyond retarded, the game always gives you options to go foward in case your skillz are not up to the challenge plus you can always go back to other areas to get better gear, new spells or grind a few levels and try again.
The game is close to perfectly balanced and it always tries to teach you how to play...but if you domnt want to play that way you are free to develop new techniques and startegies that fit your style
If you are too stupid to learn, plan ahead, adapt or expect the game to cuddle your ass go back to pressing awesome buttons in popamole land
PS I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to play this game K&M