DS3 has some extremely solid bosses but also some that are total shit. So I disagree with it having the best bosses overall.
If i could ask one question to DS devs, i would ask.
Who had the genial idea of making Painted world optional but Lost Izalith mantadory??
In its defense, Lost Izalith contains the best monster in any of the Souls games:Who had the genial idea of making Painted world optional but Lost Izalith mantadory??
In its defense, Lost Izalith contains the best monster in any of the Souls games:
The only reason one would ever replay DS1 is to experience the absolute masterpiece that is pre-Lordvessel areas, and that in and of itself is more than good enough reason. Hell, I'd say Tomb of the Giants with some light source isn't too bad and the Duke's Archives is actually just as good as any pre-Lordvessel areas (with the exception of having to die to Seath on first encounter, which is bullshit).
Right, even New Londo is cool even though the ghosts might rub some people the wrong way.Depending how you define "preLordvessel", i think New Londo is good as well.
50 levels is nothing though. The cost of getting a a max level pyro glove was like the cost of getting 10 more levels after getting a similar level of power through magic. Which means that you can either have a level 60 wizard with 50 int and 10 vit, or a level 50 pyromancer with a maxed glove and 50 vit, which can just facetank most things outright.Pyromancy in DS1 required like 50 levels worth of investment to max the pyro glove. It didn't matter for online interactions but it sure as hell mattered for pve runs unless you're doing an SL1 run or just love farming phalanx in painted world. For the same investment as ascended pyro glove you could run around with 520 AR MSGS and some good health and endurance.
DS2 pyromancy actually scales pretty badly from what i remember. Now DS3 pyromancy was overbuffed into oblivion in exchange for heavy stat investment needed to max it out and only became better with DLC and two new pyro gloves.
About on DS3, i found pyromancy the unique magical type who is viable for the game. Sorceries are slow as hell in a game where everything is about speed.
50 levels are a lot for ng run. It's essentially a playstyle choice territory. Even 10 levels in second half of the game are a lot because your leveling speed slows down to a crawl. I always considered DS1 pyro glove a bit of an NG+ thing, especially since you physically can't amass enough casts to truly wipe whole locations out with pyromancies alone on your first run. And especially because of how slow pyro is unless you go with 45 dex for max casting speed.50 levels is nothing though
But that's absolutely wrong.All the magic schools have viable spells.. it's just that they're buff spells haha. Attack magic is absolutely worthless, pyromancy included.
But that's absolutely wrong.
DS3 pyromancy is borderline broken..
Pestilent Mist is a true damage aoe spell that can bully even Midir into submission.
It's not like you're forced to max the glove and buy every spell before putting stats anywhere else. And 45 dex is overrated. Even at base dex you can stunlock most enemies with combustion trivially, and it gives a fuckton of casts. You'll have plenty of magic as long as you don't rely on it completely exclusively. Something as simple as a dagger for backstabbing or an elemental weapon for bashing really easy enemies like rats or whatever will easily make up the difference. The only thing easier than my pyro playthrough would be getting an early black knight halberd. And honestly that's kind of a tossup. Being able to dump a ton of levels into vitality early makes an insane difference.50 levels are a lot for ng run. It's essentially a playstyle choice territory. Even 10 levels in second half of the game are a lot because your leveling speed slows down to a crawl. I always considered DS1 pyro glove a bit of an NG+ thing, especially since you physically can't amass enough casts to truly wipe whole locations out with pyromancies alone on your first run. And especially because of how slow pyro is unless you go with 45 dex for max casting speed.
Pure spellcasting was hardly comparable in damage department to buffed hypermode weapon abuse all the way since DS2 and only because running firestorm existed in DeS and dark bead existed in DS1, and even then most of the DS1 1HKO challenges were carried out with the buffed DKGA. This doesn't make casting "worthless", or any other setup for that matter, given the fact that you trade all forms of defensive capabilities and ability to kill enemies at range for this. Non-hypermode sellswords need their full paired combo to deal the same damage as chucking ~950 fire damage attack rating Vestiges at everything that moves across the screen.You haven't used the right buffs and weapons if you think spellcasting is anything comparable
There's a shit ton of melee setups that will take way more time to kill Midir compared to just burning through his HP with the pestilent mist while being able to freely dodge around without being forced to aim for his head. Out of all the ways to kill Midir it's by far one of the most foolproof and one of the easiest to do on low levels.'bully' midir after a long while the melee guy would have already killed it.
By that point you will have far better things to spend your souls on. For vitgouge builds pyromancy is forced to compete with any fire, and later chaos weapons, and those reach Combustion tier damage output without requiring you to dump immense shitload of souls into your glove. For casting at range a level 5 sorcerer with oolacile catalyst can reach the same damage output despite spending only a small fraction of souls (and more importantly, time, since you just need to bomb down the hydra and rescue Dusk which can be done 10 minutes after starting the game) on setting everything up.It's not like you're forced to max the glove and buy every spell before putting stats anywhere else.
Like you could spend 10 min trying to kill midir with pyromancy spells or you could kill it under in a min or two with a few fast combo of twinblades, your choice.
massively op dark magic by the midpoint of the game.
As a magefag, i have to disagree. Hexes on Dks 2 are not OP.
Anyway, what make many consider magic "easy mode" in dark souls was never the damage. Was the RANGE. In a game about hit and avoid being hit, range is a huge advantage. If most spells worked like Combustion/Great Combustion, nobody would ever consider it "OP"... Spitfire Spear is one of the least used spears despite the good damage because has a poor range for a spear.
- They require two stat investments and most good haxes has high INT or high FHT requirement
- Most powerful Hexes costs souls and it destroy your soul memory
- Dark Orb has the worst range and projectile speed among basic projectile attacks
- A lot of bosses are dark resistant
- Dark fog produces the same effect of some toxic mist but require twice the ATN slots
- Or you sacrifice damage for a catalyst or you will have to upgrade a staff and a chime