Notorious Internet Vandal
Personally I suppose I'd still go with Aerie, given how it covers all your mats, gives Elizabeth 'shrooms, and +160k Souls. Mostly for the mats really.Correct me if I'm wrong, but is there incentive to farm the Giant Lord? Since at that point when it comes to farming you also have access to Ascetic Dragon Aerie.Infinite farming of Giant Lord is seriously broken. I'm surprised they haven't patched this yet. Then again the duping glitch from DeS and the infinite use of consumables from DaS1 haven't been fixed either.
It's extremely fast and easy. At max difficulty I'm getting ~500,000 souls from him with full soul farming gear. You get infinite divine blessings, twinkling titanite and bonfire ascetics. If you get GRS and have some very basic dodging skills you'll be killing him every 5 minutes or so. He spams 2 attacks over and over one of which is blockable so there's really very little chance of dying here.
Does the bonfire past the King's Gate that leads up to the Giant Lord (that's the one, isn't it?) affect anything else at all?