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From Software The Dark Souls II Megathread™

Jan 27, 2011
What´s more, one of the screenshots also shows Heide´s with chilling actual Heide knight!

I wonder if all of the above changes are really "next-gen" exclusive, especially considering the phantom shown at Aldia and Copse (apparently using new scythe and greatsword) looks suspiciously similar to the box art dude who´s likely tied to the new story content and as such probably will be featured in the upcoming patch.

At any rate, the DX11 version needs to come with a significant discount for owners of DX9 version, will be pretty awkward if it doesn´t.

"Last gen" doesn't get new enemy placements. Everything remains the same except for lore/npc changes and PvP balancing.

They teased in an interview that the next gen version will have a new NPC invader. This dude looks like it. Also, the new sword looks like Darksword from DaS (which is already in the game files, just unused).

so since i already have all dlcs on ps3 seems like on 5th i get for free patch with new npc/story/events/item descriptions and new meta for pvp:troll:

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dr. one

Dec 5, 2009
They teased in an interview that the next gen version will have a new NPC invader. This dude looks like it. Also, the new sword looks like Darksword from DaS (which is already in the game files, just unused).
Still, the same interview features this:
My hands-on time with the overhauled version wasn’t enough to get a solid indication of how much the enemy variations change over different areas. One thing was certain, there was a change in enemy placement from the base game which caused me to embarrassingly yelp out a few times when I was caught by surprise.
As the final build is still in development, our brief hands-on with Scholar of the First Sin was on PS3 and not on new-consoles,
I assumed it was very likely just IGN journalism™, but since the new NPC invader seems to be important to the story (if it´s the same guy on the box), I´m not so sure anymore.
Some shuffled placement without increased swarms would be nice.
Anyway, it should be clear soon enough (and I guess the above "functionalities" table is probably right, unfortunately).
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Jan 27, 2011
So the update is out and a few people are saying that the Ass Gape ring eats all souls, not just from online encounters. You also get it
from Straid for 5k
Expect mega twinked bell bros destroying your ass by the time you get to Bastille.

Now I have to make an xXx[MLG]HaVeL69xXx char and mash R1 robflynn longsword at n00bs all day.

Jan 27, 2011
So I grabbed Havel's shit ASAP and ended up with ~20k sm. So begins the scrubnoob 85AGL shield turtle run. If anyone invades, I'm just turtle circling for backstabs and getting shield broken. :troll:


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Gonna restart a new character.

Have my Flynn chick, will make a bread bandit who'll use big weapons and use big armor and stuff. Will fall back on battleaxe weapons for PVP. The patch should invigorate the Online so I can get the Sunsword for him and be content if I don't get too much Online beyond that for whatever reason.

If the game is still the same as I remember it, Havel Monster w/ Minotaur Helm, Black Witch Staff, Dark Weapon, Great Heal, Great Magic Barrier, Dark Chaos Blade with Sun Sword or Longsword as backup after the buff goes away is still the MLG build to go to.
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Jan 27, 2011
If the game is still the same as I remember it, Havel Monster w/ Minotaur Helm, Black Witch Staff, Dark Weapon, Great Heal, Great Magic Barrier, Dark Chaos Blade with Sun Sword or Longsword as backup after the buff goes away is still the MLG build to go to.

Minotaur helm only if you need to reach a poise breakpoint. Otherwise, Havel Set + Gyrm Greathelm. Smelter Helm if you long for the good ol' days when people thought it was the best stat-wise. Infused/elemental stuff is useless against a competent opponent with GMB. Physical damage is so OP now that even the highest amount of defense will do nothing against it.


Aug 7, 2009
Regarding the above posts, what's the current state (pre patch, lets say) of PVP? Some pages ago I asked for PVP advice and I got it, went with a quality build with a sunsword + estoc and dragon slayers spear as backup. It was fun to play and I did quite good. Recently I tried some duels and I got raped badly. Is it because there are no more scrubs left and only dedicated players are left or just the state of PVP changed. What are the current most popular/cheesy/best builds for PVP? I'm really just a scrub and would like some update what are the most viable and fun PVP builds. Also what about armors if I'm not into fashion souls?
Jan 27, 2011
Nothing has really changed since the Ivory King patch.

Sacred Robert L. Flynnstone Rapier/Longsword/Katana/Curved Sword is still what everyone is using.
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Aug 7, 2009
Actually, last I played was pre DLC, or atleast the last two - what you just said is an enigma to me :lol: Sacred Robert L.? Flynnstone means flynns ring + stone ring, right. Then for the weapons, I know chaos blade is good due to the insane range. What about armors? I know great wyrm helm is good if youre in for min maxing.
Jan 27, 2011
If you're not gonna wear heavy armor (most people don't since it's not very useful anymore) keeping VIT at 14 is what you'd want for Flynn's Ring. Coupled with Ring of Blades +2 and Sacred Oath you're looking at +150 physical AR. Add this to any fast weapon and 2HR1 spam will obliterate almost everyone.

Heavy armor wise - Jester/Gyrm/Havel is the most popular MLG choice. 163 poise is a pretty important breakpoint - it lets you eat one 2HR1 hit from 20 poise damage weapons. Magic can be OP but most people rock GMB so relying on magic/infusions isn't a great idea.

Sacred Robert L.? Flynnstone means flynns ring + stone ring, right.

Sacred Oath, Ring of Blades +2, Leo Ring, Flynn's Ring, Stone ring. This is the most OP Thrusting Sword setup. R1 all day.
Jan 27, 2011
Looks like they messed around with colors and contrast. Interviews claim better textures etc. Looks like the low poly trees in FoFG are still there :negative:

In other news - Ogre hippos before 1st FoFG bonfire confirmed.


This video is surprisingly fair and informative.
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Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Improved weapon placements sounds very interesting. One of the things that killed my interest in replaying Ds2 is that all the cool weapons are locked to after Amana, and that part of the game is kinda crap anyway.

He also implies the master race will be getting a proper discount.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
The new yet simple feature, orange borders around high activity areas, really makes PvPing and co-op much much better.

You no longer need to guess where most people are. Lots of fun, I get hits for co-op anywhere between instantly and 1 minute of waiting.
Jan 27, 2011
Honestly, the people who came back to see what's up are causing this activity. Before the patch, my dude at max SM couldn't find anything at all except for some arena matches. At high SM Iron Keep/Heide/Drangleic are the most active anyways. I also have a suspicion that the system isn't dynamic, but just predicts based on your SM.

Edit: oh yeah, apparently they merged NG/NG+ too.


Just downloaded 500mb update, can't find patch notes, what's up with that?
Jan 27, 2011
Isn't that some shitty OnlyAfro meme? I'm kind of glad that Havel Monster shut him down. The funny thing is, this shit doesn't work on high level GMB.


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